India at the United Nations Meet: Deep disappointment with deliberation in COP26 – News2IN

India at the United Nations Meet: Deep disappointment with deliberation in COP26

India at the United Nations Meet: Deep disappointment with deliberation in COP26
Written by news2in

Glasgow: hours after interference in the name of basic countries (Brazil, South Africa, India and China), India during the first high-level minister dialogue about climate finance on Monday night recorded “deep disappointment with deliberation in COP26.
Remotely” said the country -The rich state must accept their historical responsibility and provide financial resources for developing countries.
“Global action on climate change depends on the timely and adequate financial delivery …
it is very important that developed countries (countries) act firmly to fulfill their commitment to provide financial support – pre-conditions for action by countries Growing, “India said on the president’s events on climate finance while underlining how climate finance will be” it is important to achieve the commitment given to zero zero “.
Developed countries have taken commitment in 2009 to mobilize $ 100 billion per year.
2020 for climate action by developing countries.
However, the promise was never met with developed countries even further pushing it to 2023, creating a broader gap between what was promised and what would be needed to take climate action.
Advanced nations have, so far, only mobilizes around $ 80 billion.
“Increasing related mobilization remembers the large gap between the requirements and levels of mobilization, SC, SC Ale and the speed of climate financing must increase rapidly,” said Chandni Raina, a member of the Indian delegation, giving the country’s points.
Asking presidency to adopt the main criteria so that the measured contribution must reflect the commitment carried out in the United Nations Convention, Raina said, “Mobilized resources must be new and additionally, climate specifics with emphasis on developing country finance.
Given the importance of adaptation for developing countries , the stream of resources must be equally available for mitigation and adaptation.
“India previously on behalf of the ‘developing’ (LMDC) group that submitted position papers on the climate financial definition which outlines climate finance elements as described by the Convention and Paris Agreement.
This outlines that private finance and investment should not be counted as a state contribution.
Reminding developed countries of the decision taken at the Paris Conference (COP21) in 2015, India through his statement on the problem, “COP decision commands 21 that parties will be before 2025 set a new collective goal from the $ 100 billion floor per year ., Taking into account the needs and priorities of developing countries.
It is our hope from the police is that it will place a structured process to arrive at the destination quantified new collective ambition.
“It says,” Let us not forget that global climate action rests on the shoulders of implementation.
It is 2021 Now and we need a road map to arrive at consensus on this mandate in 2023.
However, the presentation of developed countries to have ‘in session workshops and seminars’ about this problem with the questions raised in whom the resource provider is a matter of worries.

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