India, England will launch solar green grid initiatives in COP26 – News2IN

India, England will launch solar green grid initiatives in COP26

Written by news2in

Glasgow: India and the United Kingdom will improve their international Solar Alliance (ISA) partnership with the launch of the New Green Grids initiative that connects various parts of the world at the UN COP26 (UN) climate summit in Glasgow.
Global Green Greal Grids Initiative – One Sun One World One Grid (GGI-Osowog) is the evolution of the Osowog ISA multilateral drive to grow solar energy infrastructure that is interconnected on a global scale.
The new Green Grids initiative, which will be launched at COP26 on Tuesday, will mark the incorporation of the superior interconnecting initiatives from India and the UK as part of their bilateral cooperation.
“This initiative will unite the international coalition of the national government, financial organizations, and power system operators to accelerate the development of new infrastructure needed to provide a large-scale of powerful, reliable, and affordable power, such as modern, flexible grating, charging points, and electrical interconors, “said the British Business Department, Energy & Industry (BEIS), referring to a shared project.
ISA recently announced a partnership with Bloomberg philanthropy to mobilize USD 1 trillion in global investment for solar energy in all ISA member countries.
Two organizations plan to work with the World Resources Institute (WRI) to develop solar investment agendas and solar investment road maps, which will also be launched in COP26.
India-LED ISA, an international organization based on inter-government agreements with a global mandate to cemeterine global solar growth by helping to reduce the cost of financing and technology for diesel fuel, designed to establish solar energy as a joint solution that discusses the climate of priority, energy and economics throughout geography.
Isa, led by Director General Dr.
Ajay Mathur and with 98 countries support a framework, aimed at facilitating energy transitions at the global level, energy security at the national level, while also ensuring energy access at the local level.
The Alliance said he was working with a development bank to bring the benefits of sun throughout the world.
Apart from reducing the price of solar water pumps, this allows technology transfer, storage solutions, financial assistance, along with skilled countries and allows to adopt the sun.
He added: “ISA is an observer for the UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) and has become an active participant at the Conference of the Parties (Police).” To continue ISA’s efforts in global outreach, the ISA Secretariat will participate in the UN Climate Change Conference to -26 to come (COP26), which will be held under the UK Presidency, at Glasgow (Scotland) between November 1 and November 12, 2021.

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