India Fishing Boat Sinks After Collision with Sri Lankan Navy Ship – News2IN

India Fishing Boat Sinks After Collision with Sri Lankan Navy Ship

Written by news2in

Colombo: An Indian fishery trawler has sunk after allegedly crashing into the Sri Lankan Navy which expels hunters from the waters of the island rich shrimp, said officials said Tuesday.
The two countries were separated by a narrow wrinkle strait known for its jumbo shrimp, with the old Sri Lankan fishermen accused Indian neighbors they hunt in their territory.
The incident took place on Monday night, with the savior still looking for Tuesday for one of the missing members of the Trawler crew, the Navy said in a statement.
Two other fishermen from the ship were saved, he said.
“Medium search and rescue operations are added by the Navy divers team, craft fast attacks and land patrol crafts,” added the navy.
On Sunday Sri Lankan fishermen went down to the sea in protests who asked the authorities to block Indian fishing boats from their waters and ended the bottom trawling.
Practices – Banned from Sri Lanka waters in 2017 – involve dragging heavy nets across the seabed to capture a large number of fish, damage the marine ecosystem.
Sri Lankan fishermen were not permitted to explore during many Tamil separatist wars for decades over the decades ended in 2009, allowing Indians to run freely in the area.
But there was an increase in tension over hunting since Sri Lankan fishermen had been permitted at sea again.
South Asian countries regularly detain a large number of Indian fishermen and seize their ship, but there has not been jammed in wild hunting, according to the local population.
Sri Lankan fishermen said every week, some Indian ships entered their waters for fishing.
An Indian fisherman was allegedly killed by Sri Lankan forces in March 2017.

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