India follows developments in Afghanistan: Jaishankar – News2IN

India follows developments in Afghanistan: Jaishankar

India follows developments in Afghanistan: Jaishankar
Written by news2in

Bishek: India said on Monday that it was careful after developments in Afghanistan and underlined the importance of the Taliban regime to meet the expectations of the international community as a resolution of the UN Security Council.
The Minister of External Affairs Jaishankar made a comment during the press performance along with Kirgistanya’s colleague Ruslan Kazakbaev after a “constructive” meeting with him here.
Jaisankar said that discussions about developments in Afghanistan and their implications for the peace and security of the region were occupying some time in his conversation with Kazakbaev.
“We follow the development in Afghanistan.
This concerns all of us.
Every instability in Afghanistan will have an impact on the region.
There is the hope of the international community from the current regime in Afghanistan, which was adequately described in the UNSCR 2593.” He said.
The resolution of UNC 2593 firmly demands that the Afghanistan region is not used to protect, training, planning or financing terrorist acts; And specifically referring to terrorist individuals banned by the UN Security Council, including Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad “India and the Kirgiz Republic have a shared approach to developments in Afghanistan,” he said in a tweet.
The Taliban confiscated Afghan control in mid-August, expelling the previous elected government supported by the West.
The Taliban, expelled from power by the US shortly after the 9/11 attack, now controlling almost all countries.
Last month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had asked to ensure that no country “tried to take advantage of a complicated situation in Afghanistan and use it for its own selfish interest.” Overcoming the 76th UN General Assembly in New York, Prime Minister Modi also has said that it is very important to ensure that the Afghanistan region is not accustomed to spreading, terrorism, and for terrorist attacks.
Jaishankar arrived here on Sunday as part of a four-day visit to Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Armenia with the aim of expanding bilateral.
Relationship with three Central Asian countries.

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