India Looking to raise the new ‘rocket power’ for missiles, the word bipin gene – News2IN
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India Looking to raise the new ‘rocket power’ for missiles, the word bipin gene

India Looking to raise the new 'rocket power' for missiles, the word bipin gene
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Warning that China became very aggressive, and will soon step into Afghanistan after a friendly bridge to Iran and Turkey, the bipin gene of care on Wednesday said India requires an integrated national security architecture to handle two neighboring non-contact technology, technology warfare innocent and internal security challenges.
Take the road for Samuel thesis Semining Huntington.
“Will it happen or not, only the time will tell.
But we see a kind of ‘Pascawans’ between synatic and Islamic civilization.
You can see China now befriended Iran, moving towards Turkey and stepping into Afghanistan and stepping into Afghanistan.
They (China) will step into Afghanistan when they will come soon, “said the treated gene.
Noting that China’s revival has occurred faster than expected in the world, India must wait-and-watch how the event was revealed in the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.
“We don’t know what’s in the future.
There may be more turmoil in Afghanistan and changes that cannot be anticipated until now,” he added.
Turning to Pakistan, CDS says Western enemies will continue to trigger and expand proxy war against India.
“Today, we found it happening at J & K.
They (Pakistan) try it in Punjab once more, and also tried to spread their wings in other parts of the country,” he said.
“Wolly enemies like Pakistan will always make us involved through proxy war.
They, in fact, a proxy from our northern enemy (China).
China has shown aggression in the South China Sea with nations in the area.
Does it happen In the form of direct aggression or the use of technology along the border of our land, we must be ready, “he added.
India adopts “whole government approach” to handle all security issues.
This country wants to raise the new ‘rocket power’ for various types of missiles, ensuring more ‘gloom’ between the armed forces and central armed police forces, and creating infrastructure and logistics of double use through civil military fusion, he said.
The effort has been going on to build an integrated war battle machine through the creation of integrated theater orders, strengthening the ability in the space domain, the virtual world and special operations.

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