India plans to complete the evacuation in 48 hours – News2IN
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India plans to complete the evacuation in 48 hours

India plans to complete the evacuation in 48 hours
Written by news2in

New Delhi: When the Taliban reached Kabul on Sunday, India prepared to evacuate the staff and personnel of the embassy from Kabul in the next 48 hours.
With US forces still controls Kabul airports, Indian commercial flights continue but not long.
India plans to complete the evacuation of its citizens before the US completes its own withdrawal.
On Sunday night, the President of Ashraf Ghani and his top adviser had resigned and escaped Kabul.
Taliban fighters have, according to reports, taking security positions in various parts of the city.
The speed of Taliban takeover has surprised even though the inteness of the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan after the US went never questionable.
On Sunday night, the report came that the US had evacuated its ambassador from Kabul, while the other Western embassies also moved their staff close to the airport.
Russia called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.
Because India is the President of the Board this month, the meeting is likely to occur on Monday.
However, Russia said they would not close their embassy in Kabul, telling the Taliban gave them security guarantees.
Pakistan and China are also expected to keep their mission run in the city.
India is considered a certain target for the Taliban and therefore the government does not want to take risks.
Given the fact that India is not an adjacent country, there is less attention to the Government of Refugees to India.
Many Afghans escaped from the Taliban crossed into countries such as Tajikistan and Iran, and many made their way to Gulf and European countries.
However, India may be willing to let the Hindu and Sikh minority who might want to leave Afghanistan, according to MEA spokesman.
“We have our contingency plan ready,” the official source said about the possible evacuation.
The source said that even though Taliban leaders seemed to promise in Doha that they would not touch foreign diplomats and missions, India did not want to take risks.
Therefore evacuation while the possibility will occur.
When the events on Sunday took place, it seemed as if our last 20 years controlled Afghanistan never happened.
In the past week, the Taliban had a city and province with a systematic military strategy, approached Kabul, and left the Ghani government with several choices.
“Agreement” apparently worked in Turkey with the Taliban, maybe see Mulla Abdul Ghani Baradar as president while.
Ghani flights came the day after he said “remobilising security and Afghan defense forces are our top priority,” at the television address on Saturday.
Independent journalist Bilal Sarwary Tweeted, “part of the agreement is that President Ghani will join the transition of the power ceremony in the palace.
Instead, Ashraf Ghani and his senior maid left the country.
The palace employees were told.
The palace was empty, two Afghans were involved In direct negotiations told me.
“Meanwhile, former President Hamid Karzai, Head of the Board of Reconciliation, Dr.
Abdullah Abdullah, and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar formed the Coordination Board.
Karzai Tweeted that the council “called for government security forces and Tehreek-e-Taliban security forces firmly curbs the chaos and incitement of individuals who are not responsible and not related to restraint.”

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