India plays an important role in UNC resolution that says Afghanistan is not used against other countries – News2IN

India plays an important role in UNC resolution that says Afghanistan is not used against other countries

Written by news2in

New Delhi: The resolution of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) about Afghanistan discussed the main problem of India related to the country hit by a war, said the source on Tuesday, added that New Delhi played “active role” in ensuring its share.
The council of 15 members has adopted a resolution in which member countries reiterated the importance of fighting terrorism in Afghanistan and recorded the Taliban-related commitment.
The resolution calls for the Taliban to facilitate a safe passage for people who want to leave Afghanistan, allowing the chemical to access the country, and uphold human rights, including for women and children.
Over the past few days, India has been connected continuously with the main members of the Unsc about this problem.
This problem is also the subject of the telephone conversation of the Minister of External Minister S Jaisankar with the Minister of State Secretary and a high-level official contact with other members.
The government’s sources told Ani, “UNSC 2593 resolution discussed the main India concern related to Afghanistan today.
Therefore, we play an active role in ensuring its share.” Harsh’s foreign secretary Vardhan Shringla chances the United Nations met under the Indian presidency where the resolution was adopted.
“Resolution demands that the Afghanistan region not be used to threaten / attack any country or to accommodate / train terrorists or plan / plan / finance terrorist acts.
Specifically mentioning individuals and entities designated in accordance with the UNSC 1267 resolution, namely, Lashker-e- Taiba, namely, Jaish-e-Mohammed, “said the next source.
It also handles Indian direct concerns about facilitating trips from Afghanistan, including Kabul Airport.
“This will discuss Indian citizens stranded in the country and Afghan citizens (including minorities) who want to travel to India,” said the sources.
Beginning this morning, under the presidency of India, the UN Security Council passed the completion of 2593 concerning the situation in Afghanistan.
There were three previous statements by UNSC in Afghanistan this month at 6, 16 and 27 August.
“As an Unsc president, India felt it was important that considering the seriousness of the situation, there must be a security council resolution,” added the source.
This resolution also discusses the issue of humanitarian assistance, human rights, inclusive settlement and negotiations.
“It is also important that the resolution has stated that the Security Council decided to continue to win this issue,” added the source.
The government’s sources told Ani: “We believe that the decision by the UN Security Council has an important attitude on the development of developments in Afghanistan.
This is a matter of satisfaction that our presidency can contribute to serious international considerations from the main problem.”

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