India sees creating rocket strength: CD treatment gene – News2IN
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India sees creating rocket strength: CD treatment gene

India sees creating rocket strength: CD treatment gene
Written by news2in

New Delhi: India sees “Creating Rocket Strength”, Chief of Staff of the Bipin Gen Rawat said on Wednesday even when he underlined the need for the use of extensive niche technology to combat various national security challenges, including the possibility of aggression by China.
In an address at an event, the care gene describes Pakistan as a “proxy” of China, noting that Islamabad will continue the “proxy war” against India in Jammu and Kashmir and now trying to create problems in Punjab and some other parts of the country.
“As far as we concern our northern enemy, because we have troubled the border with them and they have shown aggression on the east coast, in the South China Sea with countries in the area, whether they (China) are likely to show aggression in our northern borders?” Word of treatment gene.
“Does it happen in the form of direct aggression or through the use of technology, we must be prepared.
This preparation can only occur if we work together,” said the defense chief of staff.
Referring to the steps initiated to increase Indian air power, he said, “We see creating rockets”.
The treating gene, however, did not describe the plan.
In the situation in Afghanistan, the treated gene said no one had ever thought the Taliban would take over the country “so fast”.
“Only time will tell you what happened.
Let’s wait and watch.
We don’t know what might happen in the future in Afghanistan.
Maybe there are still more turmoil and more changes that cannot be anticipated now,” he said.
Speaking on that occasion, the former Defense Secretary NN Vohra asked to allow the declassification of Henderson Brookes to report the 1962 war with China.
Speaking of overall geopolitical developments, the treated gene said China’s increase had occurred faster than expected and more aggressive.
“We share the border of land with them.
Therefore, I think it’s time for us to start looking at our strategy as how we will deal with two borders who have aggressive neighbors, Pakistan in the west,” in the north, “he said.” must begin to see transformation for improvement and ensure that the national security architecture that we want to evolve can deal with the type of threat we see, “he added.
The defense chief of staff said that ensuring that the integration between the armed forces is the key to dealing with security challenges in the future.
He said Technology must be considered the fifth pillar of national forces after diplomacy, information, the military and economy.
The defense chief of staff said that the three troops must understand the importance of new technology to meet the challenges in the future.
Referring to the ambitious theatrical initiative for three services, the treating gene said all of them Has one theater government for the Western border and the northern border.
For questions about the main role of the peak commander in the event of a war, he said the three leaders would ensure training and see the means of the theater command besides other key aspects.
The treatment gene said whatever war would be fought for by the theater commanders on the approved plan made by the head of the staff committee.
The head of the staff committee will be led by defense chiefs.
In his speech, the treated gene spoke widely about the military challenges in the future of India, the security doctrine and the main aspects of the process of ambitious reform in the armed forces.

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