India, the US discusses ways to increase trade – News2IN

India, the US discusses ways to increase trade

India, the US discusses ways to increase trade
Written by news2in

New Delhi: A day after trading and Minister of Industry Piyush Goyah said the expectations of the Indian-US trade pact outside the table for now, the US Ambassador to India Atul Keshap spoke to the Minister of India for more than two hours, discussing trade between the two countries.
While Keshap tweeted about the meeting, there was no immediate comment from the Ministry of Trade on the discussion that occurred on Friday.
“I have a very passionate exchange with the @piyushgoyal trade minister about how trading #usindia can and must achieve a $ 500 billion vision set by @Potus.
Throughout our 2+ hours discussion we agreed that our great democracy must work closer to advance Our prosperity, “said Keshap.
Goyal while speaking at an industrial program in Mumbai on Thursday said the expectations of the Indian-US trade pact outside the table for now, with the administration of Joe Biden told India that was not interested in free trade agreements.
“The US currently has sort of indicating that they are not looking for new trade agreements, but we see working with them for more market access problems on both parties and I think it will also be a big assistance and the opening opportunity.
For our export sector, “He said.
According to the Ministry of Trade’s data, in 2020-21, bilateral trade between the US and India reached $ 80.5 billion compared to $ 88.9 billion in 2019-20.

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