India will stick to the current testing strategy, ICMR said – News2IN

India will stick to the current testing strategy, ICMR said

India will stick to the current testing strategy, ICMR said
Written by news2in

Pune: India does not need to immediately change the rules of Covid-19 testing after the latest World Health Organization Guidelines for the process of “District-level decision making driven by the data that was followed is currently found effectively, experts from the Council of Indian medical research emphasized.
Samiran Panda, The head of the epidemiology at the Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR), said, “India does not require a tweak of rules for testing based on the latest guidelines because the testing rules are implemented for the past four to six weeks after the country witnessed a surge in the case in April-May same.
“The Chairperson of the Covid Working Group Dr.
NK Arora also said the current testing strategy was effective.
The Interim Guide of the World Health Organization (WHO) was issued on June 25 in recommendations for national SARS-COV-2 testing strategies and diagnostic capacity.
Panda said the document was compilation from What ICMR has done.
The ICMR experts stated that they had begun to look at local epidemiological data and suggest much early intervention.
So, there is no new addition to be made today, experts stated, emphasizing accelerating the vaccination process and ensuring appropriate behavior Covid.
Panda said, “ICMR became the APEX government research institute critically analyzing available evidence.
It analyzes findings and divides it with program planners and policy makers so that the appropriate public health intervention is carried out.
During the second surge, the ICMR attracted the attention of the program planner to the need to categorize the district in accordance with the level of leading the test and showed intervention if the level of its position was below 5%, in the range of 5-10% and 10%, in addition to suggesting restrictions in accordance with the assistance of community involvement.
This will continue.
“Who states that individual filtering without widespread symptoms is not the suggested strategy at this time because of the significant costs associated with it and lack of data on operating effectiveness.
ICMR includes it in its recommendations to the Ministry of Health during the second wave.” ICMR recommends cluster-based testing only if there is any The outbreak of a particular area, “said Panda.
He said that positive Covid testing using a home-based test kit must associate itself with the testing laboratory so they can follow the necessary care protocols of the local area.
Who in his direction for self-based kit recommends it to be associated with action Public health to ensure proper clinical care and support, and to conduct contact contacts to solve the transmission chain.
ICMR issued a detailed guideline for its own testing kit in May.

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