Indian envoys interact with US university heads – News2IN

Indian envoys interact with US university heads

Indian envoys interact with US university heads
Written by news2in

Washington: Indian Ambassador to US Tararjit Singh Sandhu Friday interacts with the head of several American top universities and said as democracy with shared values, open exchange of knowledge and information is an integral of Indian-US relations.
“Strengthening the pillars of Indian and US and US partnership technology,” Sandhu said in a tweet after interaction with the 10 US university president.
Some of them attended the event directly at the Indian Embassy here, while some participated virtually.
“As a democracy with shared values, the exchange of knowledge, information, and open ideas is integral from Indian-US relations.
Strengthening technology, and innovation partnerships are also the center to strengthen the strategic pillar of our relationship,” he said.
“Both the Prime Minister and Minister Education is interested in strengthening the knowledge partnership between our two countries further, “Sandhu said in his speech for the President of the US University.
Among those who attended the meeting was Satish K Tripathi, New York State University, Buffalo; Pradeep Khosla (California University, San Diego); Michael Rao (Virginia Commonwealth University), Prof.
Kumble Subbaswamy (University of Massachusetts, Amherst); Ashish Vaidya (North Kentucky University), Khator Renu (University of Houston), Venkat Reddy (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs), Mauli Agrawal (University of Missouri, Kansas City), Mantosh Board (Medical University of the Ministry of Utuh), SUNY) and Mahesh Daas (Boston Architectural College, Boston).
At present, there are 16 president from India at various universities.
“We are proud of your achievements; We also hope that we will have some success stories in the coming years.
This is not just about more students or more faculty bonds,” the Ambassador to the participants “is important, however, I want to see the creation of a set of tools for more sustainable involvement.
Can we make a virtual platform where we bring universities in both countries? Can we facilitate a flowful flow? Can we promote more shared research? “Duta said.
Keen strengthens the partnership in education and sharing knowledge between India and the United States, Sandhu says that the future of Indian-US relations will depend on how close to both countries in both countries.
Stay connected to each other.
“It’s also personal for me.
My parents are educators, and they completed their doctorate from Ohio University, and returned to India,” he said.
In recent months, Sandhu has visited many universities including Georgia Tech, Emory University, University of California Los Angeles.
“I have written to Chancellor / President around 75 universities; I have virtual interactions also with many of them.
When I talk to the governor , They are very excited to strengthen connected education.
I see the potential to do more.
You each have an important role to play in this case, “he said.

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