Indian forex reserves decreased by $ 678 million to $ 634.28 billion – News2IN

Indian forex reserves decreased by $ 678 million to $ 634.28 billion

Indian forex reserves decreased by $ 678 million to $ 634.28 billion
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Indian Foreign Exchange Reserves Down $ 678 million to $ 634.28 billion in the week ended January 21 due to a sharp decline in foreign currency assets, data reserve bank of India (RBI) shows.
Foreign currency assets, which are the largest components of foreign exchange reserves, dipped by $ 1.115 billion to $ 569.582 billion for a week below the reviews, according to the RBI weekly statistics supplements.
Stated in the term US dollar, foreign currency assets include the effect of appreciation or depreciation of non-dollar currencies such as euros, pound sterling, and Japanese yen held in foreign exchange reserves.
The value of Indian special image rights (SDR) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) fell $ 68 million to $ 19.152 billion, while the position of India’s reserves in the IMF fell $ 22 million to $ 5.216 billion.
However, there is a sharp increase in the value of gold reserves.
The value of gold reserves rose $ 567 million to $ 40.337 billion in the week ended January 21, 2022.

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