Indian Journalists, Pulitzer Winner, Killed in Afghan Shoot Raw – News2IN

Indian Journalists, Pulitzer Winner, Killed in Afghan Shoot Raw

Indian Journalists, Pulitzer Winner, Killed in Afghan Shoot Raw
Written by news2in

Denmark Siddiqui, Indian journalist Pulitzer prize winner with the Reuters news agency, was killed on Friday which included the battle between Afghan and Taliban forces near the Pakistani border, the institution reported, quoted an army commander.
Afghan troops struggled to reclaim Spin Boldak in Kandahar Province when Siddiqui and a senior officer were killed at the Taliban star star, said the commander.
Siddiqui was embedded with Afghan Special Forces in the former Taliban fortress from Kandahar since this week.
Siddiqui, 38, which grew in New Delhi, survived his wife Rike and two small children.
He is part of the team awarded Prize Pulitzer for photography features in 2018 to document the Rohingya Myanmar refuge crisis, the series described by the judges as “shocking photographs that expose the world to Rohingya refugees faced in Myanmar.” In recent months, the southern photos of Siddiqui arrested the Coronavirus pandemic in India.
The photos that haunt with crowded cremation reasons are widely seen throughout the world as a gauge of destruction.
Read reporters too, a Pulitzer winner, who was killed in Siddiqui Crossfiredanish Afghanistan, Indian journalist Pulitzer who won a prize with the Reuters news agency, was killed on Friday which included the battle between Afghan and Taliban forces near the Pakistani border, quoting the army commander.
Afghan troops struggled to reclaim Spin Boldak in Kandahar “ninety percent of the photography I have learned has come from experiments in the field,” Siddiqui wrote.
Earlier last year, the photo of Siddiqui from a teen activist held a gun at the anti-CAA protesters, and opened fire as a row of police officers stood behind him, widely circulated throughout the world.
Ahmad Denmark Siddiqui was born on May 19, 1983.
He became a journalist after a master’s degree in mass communication from the University of Jamia Milia Islamia Delhi.
He joined Reuters after serving in Hindustan Times and TV today.
Friends and colleagues describe a man who is very caring about the stories he discussed, carrying out careful research before starting the task and always focusing on people who are trapped in the news.
“Even in twisting the news cycle, he would think about a manner, and you see it so often in his photo, including those who won the Pulitzer and the stories that we have done in recent years,” said Devjyot Ghoshal, a Reuters correspondent based in New Delhi and neighbor Siddiqui.
“Including Delhi riots together and the recent Covid-19 pandemic – the most interesting picture is about people, isolate human elements,” he said.
A Reuters photographer since 2010, the work of Siddiqui has stretched war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Rohingya crisis, pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong and riots in India.
“What I enjoy most is catching a human face from the story.
I shoot for ordinary people who want to see and feel the story of the place where he cannot attend himself,” Siddiqui wrote.
Last year, when it included riots on the outskirts of Delhi, Siddiqui and Ghoshal saw a man beaten by a horde of bustle.
Images are displayed in international media.
Siddiqui has a narrow escape when the horde turned their attention to him.
The photos are part of the choice of Reuters this year in 2020.
Earlier this week, as an embedded journalist, he traveled with a convoy of command while under a big fire from the Taliban guerrillas on the outskirts of Kandahar.
He caught the drama in pictures, movies and words.
Siddiqui told Reuters that he had been injured in the arm by a broken bullet when reporting a clash.
He was treated and recovered when Taliban fighters retreated from the battle at Spin Boldak.
His body was handed over by the Taliban to the International Red Cross Committee, said the source.

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