Individual risk assessment in Covid recovered: Doctor – News2IN

Individual risk assessment in Covid recovered: Doctor

Individual risk assessment in Covid recovered: Doctor
Written by news2in

Pune: Experts suggest not to delay elective operations (nonurururur or recovered in the view of residue symptoms because it can make it difficult for existing conditions.
Symptoms of covid residue, general and may linger for more than 60 days after the diagnosis in Covid recovered.
Pre-operative risk assessments of patients restored Covid must be individual, taking into account the intensity of surgery, co-morbidity and risk-benefit ratios, experts said.
“According to the existing guidelines, not everyone has to wait for 4-12 weeks for elective operations after recovering from Covid-19.
Pre-operative risk assessment cannot be generalized.
If elective operation will relieve complications, it must be considered an important operation, if Not an emergency, “said the Sanjay Kolte surgeon, President of Poona’s surgical community.
Delay in seeking medical care for various anal conditions also looks very common among people.
“We see a lot of fistula patients, who postpone suggested surgery even after a long time after Covid recovery.
The fistula has a tendency to branch out during a period of time and can be complicated,” said the healing of the proctological head of the Ashwin Porwal clinic.
Porwal said, “Last week, I found two cases like that.
One is served with fistulas from scrotum to the abdominal wall.
He must be operated in an emergency with a special operation.
Another case is associated with a pile of bleeding.
The patient comes with hemoglobin falls very low to Six grams per deciliter (g / dl).
He was transfused of blood and operated in an emergency with laser operations.
“Experts from India and the American Society of Anaesthesiology have published the norms to carry out elective operations in Covid recovered.
“This guideline only helps surgeons in prioritizing cases.
They do not interfere in the discretion of the surgeon about scheduling elective operations according to the individual needs of patients,” said Sanjay Pujari’s infectious disease.

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