Infiltration offer is foiled along the Loc in Poonch, a terrorist killed – News2IN

Infiltration offer is foiled along the Loc in Poonch, a terrorist killed

Infiltration offer is foiled along the Loc in Poonch, a terrorist killed
Written by news2in

Jammu: Pay attention to army personnel thwart infiltration offers and shoot a terrorist along the control line (LOC) in Poonch Jammu Regency and Kashmir since Monday.
“Monday morning, terrorists from Pakistan try to infiltrate the Poonch sector.
Armymen Alert detects intruders by effectively utilizing the integrated supervision grid.
Because they are challenged by our troops, the terrorists open fire and fierce shooting occur where a terrorist is killed,” said a repemor Talk of Defense based in Jammu, the colonya Devender Anand.
The terrorist body killed then recovered from the location of the meeting together with the AK-47 rifle.
On July 7, the army had thwarted a similar infiltration offer and killed a terrorist along the Loc in the Nowshera sector in addition to recovering the cache of the arm and ammunition including the AK-47 Hand Garade and Grenade.

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