Instagram makes it easier to see stories in foreign languages: all you need to know – News2IN

Instagram makes it easier to see stories in foreign languages: all you need to know

Instagram makes it easier to see stories in foreign languages: all you need to know
Written by news2in

Instagram today launched a new feature for users who will make it easier to see content in foreign languages.
The platform has added automatic text translation functionality in mortal posts which only lasts 24 hours on certain profiles.
Do you need to activate the automatic text translation in Instagram stories? No, the feature does not require you to read the application to activate several toggle boxes or check marks.
The function will function and place into force, immediately after detecting foreign languages ​​in posts.
How to view text translated? After the Instagram application detects a foreign language on a story post, it will display the “View translation” option along with the white message icon on the top left of the screen.
Tap this will open the part at the bottom of the screen with the original text and the text is translated.
How many languages ​​are translated automatic text in the support of Instagram stories? Until now, this feature will offer support for more than 90 languages ​​including Hindi, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, and others.
Automatic text translations in Instagram stories Availability This feature has been made directly for all users.
Is there support for audio translations too? Not.
According to a report by Verge, Instagram said the audio translation was not available “at this time.” Automatic Instagram text translation support This application supports text comment translations, text posted next to the pictures, and bios users.
They will also be automatically translated based on the language they wrote and the language settings of people who see it.

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