Instagram stars help save dozens of Afghanistan – News2IN

Instagram stars help save dozens of Afghanistan

Instagram stars help save dozens of Afghanistan
Written by news2in

Washington: Dozens of Afghan Desperate who have tried to escape the Taliban before Tuesday’s deadline for US withdrawals from Kabul made him safe with help from an unexpected place: Instagram Influencer Quentin Qualantino.
Quarantino is a 25-year-old Alter ego Tommy Marcus from New York City, who was previously famous for its liberal memes and jokes about opponents from Covid-19 vaccination.
Together with his followers, Quarantin raised USD 7 million in a few days on GofundMe to launch a rescue mission to Afghanistan to evacuate as many people as possible, many of them said that they had been threatened by the Taliban.
On Wednesday, their mission “Operation Flyaway” helped ferry 51 people from Afghanistan to Uganda with a personal rented aircraft financed by the Gofundme campaign.
More than 121,000 people have contributed to the campaign after Marcus appealed to 832,000 followers, making it one of the largest humanitarian fundraising in Gofundme’s history.
“It was burdened that they had the faith in me, that they were willing to put a large amount of money into the hand that I trusted,” Marcus told the Associated Press.
Saraya International, a global development company, and the Rockefeller Foundation, which provides organizational support for flights to Uganda, as well as other companies involved with evacuation, confirmed to AP that the flight was hired by emergency collaboration financed through Marcus.
Go Fundme campaign.
“I don’t know what words used other than miraculously, because it restored faith in humanity,” Marcus said.
“We have spilled a political division in this situation and truly gathered from all walks of life to collect and save these people because …
they don’t deserve what happens in their future if they live in Afghanistan now.” Those who are evacuated, said Marcus, are women, children, humanity and other people “who have struggled for greater good in Afghanistan for a long time,” and their families.
The organizer said that they tried to save 300 people who, together with their families, “at close risks carried out by the Taliban.” The team has been filled with skeptics from experts who questioned whether they have the ability to attract it.
Such a mission at the time of the government, the company and charity groups rushed to issue residents and their employees from Afghanistan on whatever planes they could.
The Marcus group said more than 350 people had been saved, with nearly 300 leaving Kabul on other charter flights that “operating the Flyawawawa” was replaced because it gave a safe exercises of the country.
A spokesman for the State Department wrote in an email statement that the Department appreciated “the effort led by the community to support the relocation process and resettlement of Afghanistan, which reflected generosity.
Americans and the international community.” However, we cannot verify the authenticity or effectiveness of effort -Upaya, “said the statement.
Officials from several non-profit groups described a chaotic and dangerous scene at Kabul airport when they rushed to fill private rented flights with people who had needs.
Documents in a limited time that they can maintain their plane on Tarmac.
“I am very proud of our extraordinary team and what we can achieve in a short time,” said Sayara CEO Scott Shadian.
“I just hope we can do more.
Simply put, the institution failed, and it destroyed my heart how much more we can achieve.
We thank you, we are out of many people like we did to the biggest opportunity we have faced.”

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