Interim Taliban Government agreed to notify foreigners leaving Afghanistan – News2IN

Interim Taliban Government agreed to notify foreigners leaving Afghanistan

Interim Taliban Government agreed to notify foreigners leaving Afghanistan
Written by news2in

Two hundred Americans and other foreigners who remain in Afghanistan will go to the country hit by a war with Charter flights from Kabul on Thursday after the New Taliban government approved their evacuation, a US official said.
Departure will be one of the first international flights to take off from Kabul Airport since the Islamic militia won the capital in mid-August, triggered a US-led evacuation that was chaotic against 124,000 foreigners and at risk of Afghanistan.
The move came two days after the Taliban announced a temporary government which mostly consisted of ethnic pashtun including suspected terror was sought and hardliners of Islamists, international expectations for more moderate administration.
The Taliban was pressured to allow departure by US special representatives Zalmay Khalilzad, said US officials, talked to Reuters with anonymity requirements.
The official could not say whether American civilians and other foreign nationals were among those stranded for days in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif in North Afghanistan because their personal charters were not allowed to leave.
The announcement of the Taliban new government on Tuesday is widely seen as signal they are not looking to expand their base and present a more tolerant face to the world, as they suggest they do before their military takeover.
Foreign countries greet the government while carefully and disappointing on Wednesday.
In Kabul, dozens of women took to the streets as protests.
Many critics call leadership to respect the basic human rights and revive the economy, faced amid steep inflation, food shortages and the prospects of foreign aid cut when the state tries to isolate the Taliban.
White House spokesman Jen PSAKI said no one in the Biden government “would suggest that the Taliban be respected and worth the global community members.” The European Union voiced his disapproval at the appointment, but said it was ready to continue humanitarian assistance.
Long-term assistance will depend on the Taliban uphold basic freedom.
Saudi Arabia revealed hopes that the new government would help Afghanistan achieve “security and stability, reject violence and extremism.” Analysts said the cabinet make-up could inhibit the recognition by the Western government, which would be very important for wider economic involvement.
The new acting cabinet includes the former US military prison prison in Guantanamo Bay, while the Interior Minister, Sirajuddin Haqqani, desired by the United States on charges of terrorism and gave a prize of $ 10 million.
His uncle, with a gift of $ 5 million, is the Minister of Refugees and repatriation.
The last hardliners of the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, from 1996 to 2001, women were banned from work and girls from school.
This group conducted public execution and religious police imposed radical interpretations of Islamic law.
Taliban leaders have vowed to respect the rights of people, including women, in accordance with Islamic Islamic law, but those who have won greater freedom over the past two decades worried about losing them.
In an interview with the news of SBS Australia, a senior Taliban official said that women would not be allowed to play Cricket – Sports popular in Afghanistan – or maybe other sports because it was “unnecessary” and their bodies might open.
The Australian cricket board said that the memo test match planned against Afghan men’s team if the Taliban did not allow women to play sports.
In Kabul, a group of women carrying signs of reading: “The cabinet without women is a failure,” held another protest in the Pul-e Surkh City area.
Greater demonstrations on Tuesday were broken down when the armed Taliban fired a warning shot.
“The cabinet was announced and there were no women in the cabinet.
And several journalists who came to cover the protest were all arrested and taken to the police station,” said a woman in the video shared on social media.
The statement from the Ministry of Home Affairs of the New Taliban said that to avoid interference and security issues, anyone who holds a demonstration must submit a permit 24 hours earlier.

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