Intra-sudanese political processes that are not facilitated need to be guided by the constructive approach: India – News2IN

Intra-sudanese political processes that are not facilitated need to be guided by the constructive approach: India

Written by news2in

The United Nations: India has said that the intra-sudanese political process is not facilitated, which is intended to maintain the transition process on its pathway, it is necessary to be led by Sudan and is guided by a constructive approach.
Speaking at the direction of the UN Security Council by the International Criminal Court on Sudan, advisors in India’s permanent missions to the UN Pratik Mathur noted that the resignation of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok reflected the challenges attached to the transition process.
“Intra-sudanese political processes that are not facilitated are intended to save the situation and maintain the transition process on tracks must be led by Sudan and guided by a constructive approach,” he said.
Mathur said the constitutional declaration signed in August 2019 must encourage this process and all stakeholders need to display flexibility, mutual trust and understanding.
“It is very important for the military and civil lead to achieve a peaceful solution to take the transition process in the future.
The transition process must continue to overcome the problems related to justice and accountability,” he said.
India emphasizes that “We are looking forward to the success of the Sudan settlement of the current transition phase, we remain convinced that the Sudanese will overcome the current challenges and try more advanced on their way towards peace and development.” Submitting the 34th ICC report about Darfur to the Board, Prosecutor ICC Karim Khan said that almost 20 years after the UN Security Council referred to Darfur’s situation in Sudan to the International Criminal Court (ICC), victims and survivors of cruelty still seek justice and accountability, according to the UN press release .
Darfur conflict began in 2003 between Sudanese government forces and Darfur rebel movements.
Hundreds of thousands were killed, while many more were displaced.
In 2005, the Security Council referred to this case to ICC, who was investigating allegations of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
Mathur said the Sudanese transition government has shown readiness to overcome problems related to transitional justice, including accountability for human rights violations, through the process of truth and reconciliation.
He said the parties in the Juba peace agreement had also agreed to build the truth and reconciliation commissions in relation to Darfur, and special courts for Darfur crimes.
This special court jurisdiction, which will include matters relating to genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes since 2002, is a step in the right direction.
“The pursuit of justice for victims of cruelty crimes in Darfur is also reflected in collaboration shown by the Sudanese authorities.
It is important that all parties continue to be involved in extraordinary problems to find a commonly acceptable solution,” Mathur said as the Sudan transition to A peaceful, stable and prosperous future, there is a need to provide all assistance to improve past problems, promote harmony between communal and protect the basic rights of all its citizens.
He added that in this context, it would be important to build the capacity of national justice institutions.

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