IoT + AI + 5G: the world in the midst of a massive revolution – News2IN

IoT + AI + 5G: the world in the midst of a massive revolution

IoT + AI + 5G: the world in the midst of a massive revolution
Written by news2in

Sambit Sahu, VP from the network and edge group on Intel, has seen many revolutions for the rest of his life, including the PC, server and smartphone.
More than 30 years old, he has even played an important role in it, giving more than 70 innovative technologies worth more than $ 100 billion.
But, he said, the World Revolution saw now with IoT, AI and 5G meetings, so far is the biggest in his life.
“The next 30 years will see a lot of things coming out of it,” said Sahu at the time of Techies Discussion Friday ++ last week about how the edge changed every life.
IoT, or edge computing, involves the use of small sensors and computing devices on or near points where data is generated to take instant action.
One of the best examples is a careless car, where this device helps to instantly identify a barrier to brake quickly.
We cannot have the luxury of data transported to the cloud for analysis, and instructions then come from the cloud to the car.
The extra milliseconds can cause accidents, assuming at first that internet connection to the cloud is there.
Ruchir Dixit, Country Manager for Siemens Eda, said many of us already have an EDGE device on us.
“My watch caught my heartbeat, how many calories I burn.
For heartbeat, the chip sends light pulses through my skin and gather reflection from the blood vessels, and then measure the difference to see if the pulse occurs or not.
Other devices on My watch, based on the girometer, estimates how many physical movements have been done by my hand to decide whether it can be counted as the steps I have taken, “he said.
But there are less visible, like in the factory, where, say, dust can have an impact on the efficiency of robot abilities to select objects.
“Edge devices on robots can determine whether the capacity of vacuum creation is strong and reliable,” said Dixit.
Or in a dangerous location.
Government and organization, said Dixit, placing sensors and edge devices close to volcanoes, and far in the ocean, to predict when the volcano is likely to erupt (based on the surrounding land thermodynamics), or when the tsunami can occur (based on abnormal water movements) .
Volcano, or oil rig, or indeed, many other locations even in big cities, may not have a fiber optic cable to transport data.
This is where 5G is important to ensure the warning from the sensor is accepted quickly to start the necessary actions.
Edge computing is also important because it is too expensive to transport everything to the cloud, and put a heavy burden on the bandwidth.
The cost of transferring data from the device to the cloud is 20 times more than the transfer fee from the device to the edge.
In a factory, said Sahu, one camera produces 2,000 terabytes of data per day.
But only 1 TB from this is valuable, the rest is waste.
AI on the edge, he said, can filter waste, and only send what is needed for the cloud.
“In home automation, each large-scale data transfer to the cloud will also involve serious privacy issues,” said Sahu.
Siemens and Intel have collaborated closely on various aspects of this technology.
Siemens EDA (Electronic Design Automation) is a supplier of software devices and hardware that Intel needs to need for AI and IOT.
“Chips need sophisticated software to help design them and we provide it,” said Dixit.
These chips developed Intel, in turn, are used in a number of Siemens businesses – in wind turbines, oil & gas equipment, electric trains, factory automation, health analysis.
Sahu said Edge needed system talents, software talents, semiconductor talents, application talents.
“India has the most part.
Our semiconductor talents are getting better and better, but demanding the supply of outstrips.
That’s where we need to focus more,” he said.

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