Iran accused the Israeli June attack on civilian nuclear sites – News2IN

Iran accused the Israeli June attack on civilian nuclear sites

Tehran: Iran on Tuesday accused Israel from sabotage attacks in June who reported targeting civil nuclear facilities near Tehran, the official IRNA news agency reported.
According to the report, Cabinet spokesman Ali Rabiei said the suspicion was trying to thwart the ongoing talks in Vienna about reviving the Tehran nuclear agreement with the world’s power.
Irna quoted Rabiei said such actions only made Iran stronger.
“The Zionist regime takes this action to signal it can stop Iran and say that there is no need to talk to Iran,” Rabiei said.
“But every time sabotage occurs, our strength has increased.” Iran has offered some details about the attack he said targeting a broad nuclear center located in Karaj, a city about 40 kilometers northwest of the Iranian capital city.
On June 23, State TV said it was an attack on a building belonging to an Iranian atomic energy organization that did not leave the victim or damage.
Rabiei on Monday said there was damage to the ceiling and also that “damage to the equipment was not extraordinary.” “A hole appears on the ceiling of one of the industrial warehouses so the roof is removed for improvement,” said Rabiei.
He said the satellite image distributed at that time was after the roof of the warehouse was removed for repairs.
The Iranian authority does not determine which facility in Karaj has been targeted.
There are two sites related to the Iranian nuclear program known in the area, including the KARAJ agricultural and medical research center, which was founded in 1974.
The authorities describe it as a facility that uses nuclear technology to improve “soil, water, agricultural).
And Livestock production.
“This area is located near various industrial sites, including pharmaceutical production facilities where Iran has produced its domestic coronavirus vaccine.
The agricultural nuclear research center is not registered as a “protection facility” with UN nuclear supervisor – International Atom – International Atom – International Atom Energy Agency – Through the nearest nuclear waste facilities around Karaj.
Previously, social media in Iran crunched with unmanned air reports prevented from targeting Covid-19 vaccine production facilities.
KARAJ report participated in several incidents targeting Iran’s nuclear program that has increased regional tensions in recent months, as a diplomat IC effort to get traction in Vienna.
In April, Natanz Underground Iran’s nuclear facilities experienced a mysterious blackouts that damaged several centrifugs.
Last July, unexplained fire crashed into a sophisticated centrifuge assembly plant in Natanz, which authority was then described as sabotage.
Iran is now rebuilding the facility deep in the nearest mountain.
Iran also blamed Israel for November murder from a scientist who began the country’s military nuclear program before.
Former President Donald Trump’s decision to attract America in 2018 from the nuclear agreement had seen Iran, from time to time, leaving all the limitations to his uranium enrichment.
This country now enriches uranium to 60%, the highest level, although still lacks a weapons class.
Iran said that his nuclear ambition was peaceful and would return to his commitment once the US lifted sanctions.

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