Iran Khamenei blames the ‘coward’ of the US to pause in nuclear talks – News2IN

Iran Khamenei blames the ‘coward’ of the US to pause in nuclear talks

Iran Khamenei blames the 'coward' of the US to pause in nuclear talks
Written by news2in

Dubai: Iran’s highest leader on Wednesday declared Tehran would not accept Washington’s “stubborn” demands in talks to revive the 2015 nuclear agreement and said the United States failed to guarantee that it would never leave the pact.
“Americans act really cowardly and evil,” said TV the country quoted Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
“They once violated the nuclear deal at no cost by coming out.
Now they explicitly say that they cannot guarantee that it won’t happen again.” Since April 9, Tehran and six world powers have been in talks to revive the trench nuclear pact three years ago at that time US President Donald Trump, who argued that Iran was favored.
The sixth round of indirect talks between Tehran and Washington was postponed on June 20, two days after the Hardline Cleric Ebrahim Relision was elected as the President of the Islamic Republic.
Parties involved in negotiations have not announced when the next negotiation round will be continued.
Like Khamenei, the Relision has supported the rise of the nuclear pact but officials said that his government could adopt a “hardline” approach.
Khamenei, not the President, the last told Iran’s affairs, including nuclear policy.
Iran and Western officials said the significant gap remained to restore an agreement, where Iran agreed to curb its nuclear program to make it more difficult to get fissile material for weapons in return for assistance from harsh sanctions.
Iran said it was never looking for nuclear weapons and would never.
Hard sanctions of hard sanctions regulated by Trump since 2018 have encouraged Tehran to violate the limits of agreement.
However, Tehran said his nuclear steps could be reversed if Washington raised all sanctions.
US President Joe Biden tries to restore and ultimately expand the pact to put more restrictions on Iran’s nuclear work and missile development and limit its regional activities.
Khamenei was firmly rejected adding another problem for the agreement.
“In recent nuclear talks, Americans firmly insist on their firm attitude.
When making appointments and on paper, they say they will erase sanctions, but in practice, they have not and they will not,” they said , “Khamenei said.
Khamenei said Washington was” stubborn “and insisted on adding a sentence to the existing nuclear agreement.” By adding this sentence, they want to give reasons for further intervention on nuclear agreements and missile work (Iran) and regional problems, “Khamenei said.” Then if we refuse to discuss those problems, Americans will accuse Iran to violate the nuclear agreement and they will say the agreement is over.

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