Iran moderate candidate States’Optimistic coexistence’ Can pave the Way to US talks – News2IN

Iran moderate candidate States’Optimistic coexistence’ Can pave the Way to US talks

Iran moderate candidate States'Optimistic coexistence' Can pave the Way to US talks
Written by news2in

TEHRAN: Major South moderate presidential candidate Abdolnaser Hemmati stated on Tuesday Iran could hold discussions with arch-foe that the United States when Washington stuck to”favorable coexistence” with Tehran.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the last say in all matters of statehas ruled out discussions with the United States.
However, Tehran is holding direct talks with Washington and world forces on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear bargain, left by Washington from 2018.
“We must observe how America behaves on the nuclear bargain…, and we must determine if America would like to keep its predecessors from the area through Israel and its own components,” Hemmati, a former central bank chief, told a news conference before this Friday election.
“There’s a series of problems in need of confidence-building…
Should we actually feel that America goes towards a favorable coexistence to progress regional and world peace, then there should not be a trouble to hold discussions,” Hemmati stated in comments carried from the semi-official Fars news service.
Hemmati, that encounters a subject of five hardliners plus a medium that has been permitted to operate with a hardline-led election watchdog, has experienced limited success in gaining assistance from reformists amid calls to boycott the vote.
Opposition leader cleric Mehdi Karoubi, under house arrest because 2011, has stated he’d vote Hemmati, Iranian news agencies on Tuesday lent Karoubi’s child as saying.
However, Karoubi’s ally Mirhossein Mousavi, also under house arrest as 2011, has joined the boycott called by dissidents both at home and overseas.

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