Iran must pay a family on a flight shot: Canadian court – News2IN

Iran must pay a family on a flight shot: Canadian court

Iran must pay a family on a flight shot: Canadian court
Written by news2in

Dubai, United Arab Emirates: The court in Canada has decided that Iran had to pay around $ 84 million to the family of six people with Canadian citizenship or residence killed in the Iranian military decline from Ukrainian passenger aircraft in 2020, Canada pressed reported.
The Ukrainian Military Hicking International Airlines Flight PS752 with two surface-to-air missiles killed all 176 people on board.
More than 100 Iranian victims have Canadian citizenship or residency, encouraging several families of victims to demand Iran in Canadian civilian courts.
Last year, the Superior Ontario court decided that the Iranian Military Downing of the passenger aircraft was `acts of terrorism, ” allows the family to bypass Iran’s legal immunity and seek compensation for their losses.
Foreign countries are usually immune from Jas in Canadian courts.
In the decision made by the public on Monday, Justice Edward Belobaba gave a total of 107 million Canadian dollars _ $ 7 million Canadian dollars in compensation damage above $ 100 million Canadian dollars in penalty damage, plus interest, for families who launched a lawsuit in Ontario, press Canada reported.
“This court well understood that the award of damage was a bad substitute for lost life, ” said Belobaba in the decision, December 31.
It is still unclear how the family really collects damage from Iran.
But the verdict brought symbolic significance for families who complained about lack of transparency and accountability in Iran’s investigation into their own military and their inability to seek justice in Iran.
The Canadian press quoted a statement from the family lawyer who praised the court’s decision as “unprecedented in Canadian law.” The accident occurred in early January 2020 when Washington and Tehran staggered at the gap of the war.
Only a few hours before the shot, Iran had fired ballistic missiles at the American base in Iraq in retaliation for drone strikes A.S.
which killed Top General Iran Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad.
After day-to-day rejection, the Iranian paramilitary guards openly apologized for the decline and blame him on an air defense operator whose authorities said misreading Boeing 737-800 for American roaming missiles.

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