Iraq’s hit power outages in the middle of the heat – News2IN

Iraq’s hit power outages in the middle of the heat

Iraq's hit power outages in the middle of the heat
Written by news2in

Baghdad: Extending electricity blackouts hit Iraq on Friday because the temperature reached the heat, affecting even prosperous areas in the capital and stirring worries of widespread riots.
Iraqi grid produced more than 4,000 megawatts in accordance with the electricity data on Friday morning, less than 20,000 MW produced by the average grid.
Cutting has affected Baghdad and especially the South Province.
The local channel reported that the blackout was caused by the main power channel cut – which was known as 400 KV – between Baghdad and the South Province of Babylon.
A ministry official said the reason was not immediately known, but it could happen because of an overloaded line, or sabotage action.
He spoke with anonymous requirements because he was not authorized to abbreviate the media.
Total shutdown can occur when Iraq’s electricity network works at maximum capacity.
Defects in network transmission and distribution capacity also contribute to blackouts.
High temperatures can also have an impact on the distribution line.
The last time the national blackout was seen five years ago.
Blackouts hit Baghdad’s rich environment, where some residents usually enjoy 24 hours of electricity.
Water pumps, which depend on electricity, stop working in many areas, inhibiting access to water.
“If this is not resolved quickly, it will have a disaster effect because everything stops working,” Tweeted researcher based on Iraqi Sajad Jiyad.
Routine power outages fuel protests in Iraq.
The delivery of poor government services and rampant corruption is the driver of mass anti-government demonstrations in Iraq in 2019.
Iran has recently cut electricity exports to Iraq this week, which can among almost one third of the summer supply at the top.
Iraqi Electricity Minister Majed Hantoush also recently resigned, quoting political and popular pressure.

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