Islamic countries to meet in the Afghan crisis on December 19 – News2IN

Islamic countries to meet in the Afghan crisis on December 19

Islamic countries to meet in the Afghan crisis on December 19
Written by news2in

Islamabad: Pakistani Foreign Minister Calling Saturday for a new attempt to stop the neighboring Afghanistan glide further into the crisis when he announced an extraordinary meeting of the Islamic cooperation organization (OKI) later this month.
The meeting of foreign ministers from Islamic countries will be held in Islamabad on December 19, with delegates from the European Union and what is called P5 groups of the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China also invite.
“To leave Afghanistan at this stage it will be a historic mistake,” Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Hussain Quresain said at a press conference at Islamabad, warned that half of the country faced the risk of famine that could trigger further chaos.
“Instability can give a way for new conflicts, it can trigger an exodus of refugees,” he said.
There was a warning that grew from the humanitarian crisis faced by Afghanistan because international assistance was suddenly cut after the Taliban takeover on August 15 and fear of disaster if the situation was not controlled.
However, getting help has been hampered by sanctions to deal with the Taliban, decision A.S.
To freeze billions of dollars in central bank reserves held outside Afghanistan and the collapse of most state banking systems.
Pakistan recently agreed to provide 50,000 tons of wheat to transit through its territory from India to help Afghanistan but aid institutions have warned that far more help.
(Reporting by Syed Raza Hussan; wrote by James Mackenzie; edit by David Clarke)

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