Israel closed the police probe who shot the Palestinian striker – News2IN

Israel closed the police probe who shot the Palestinian striker

Israel closed the police probe who shot the Palestinian striker
Written by news2in

Tel Aviv: Israel, the Israeli justice ministry said on Thursday it closed the investigation against the two police officers who shot dead a Palestinian attacker as he lay on the ground, the officer received a statement that they are acting defensively.
Palestinian attackers on Saturday stabbed and wounded an ultra-orthodox Jews outside the Old City of Jerusalem.
He then tried to stab the officer before he was shot and fell to the ground.
The video showed paramilitary border police officer shot the attacker when she was already lying on the ground.
The shooting prompted calls for an investigation and draw a comparison with the 2016 incident in which an Israeli soldier was caught on camera shooting a Palestinian attacker wounded lying on the ground.
The Ministry of Justice said it made the decision to close the case after questioning the two officers, who said they acted defensively.
“It was an incident that happened a few seconds, in a state where there is a real and concrete threat to the lives of the fighters and civilians in the area,” he said in a statement.
“It was found to be justified by law to use weapons.” The incident comes amid an uptick in Israeli-Palestinian violence in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.
On Wednesday, an Israeli woman was stabbed and lightly wounded in a tense neighborhood in East Jerusalem.
The suspect, a female minor Palestine, fled from the scene and was later arrested in a nearby school, police said.
Last month, Hamas militants fired a shot in the old city of Jerusalem, killing one Israeli and wounding four others before being fatally shot by police.
Israel capturing East Jerusalem in the 1967 war along with the West Bank and Gaza.
Israel tells East Jerusalem in a move not recognized internationally and considers the entire city its capital.
The Palestinians want East Jerusalem be the capital of their future state, to enter the West Bank and Gaza.
Palestinians and rights groups say Israel-right Israeli security forces sometimes used excessive force in responding to attacks, killing alleged attacker that can be captured or not pose a direct threat to the security forces.
The groups also said the rights of Israel rarely hold members of its security forces were responsible for the fatal shootings of Palestine.
Investigations often end without charge or sentence that is soft, and in many cases witnesses are not called in for questioning.
Israel says its security forces to make every effort to avoid harming civilians and that he was investigating the alleged violation.
In the case of a widely publicized 2016, Israeli soldiers shoot camera caught Elor Azaria Palestinian attacker wounded were lying on the ground.
Azaria then served two-thirds of a sentence of 14 months after being convicted of reckless homicide.
The case is sharply dividing Israel.
Military encourage the prosecution, saying he violated the code of ethics, while many Israelis, especially the nationalist right, defends his actions.

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