Israel military attacks Hamas after the launch of the fire balloon – News2IN

Israel military attacks Hamas after the launch of the fire balloon

Israel military attacks Hamas after the launch of the fire balloon
Written by news2in

Ramallah, West Bank: Israeli fighter aircraft crashed into two targets in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, the Israeli military said, in response to the burner balloon launched from Gaza to Israel.
The Israeli military hit what he said was a Hamas military compound and a rocket launch site after four burning balloons were launched to Israel, burning agriculture landing and damaging agriculture.
There are no reports of victims in Israel or Gaza.
There are no comments directly from Hamas.
Israeli media reported that four fires caused by burner balloons broke Friday afternoon in areas close to the Gaza Strip.
The launch of the balloon came more than two months after the 11-day war between Israel and Hamas, the fourth since the militant group seized power in Gaza in 2007.
Hamas was upset because Israel had done a little to relieve a crippling blockade in the region since it was the battle ended and seemed to use burner balloons as pressure tactics.
Israel’s new prime minister, Bennet Naflat, has compiled a balloon to skate to skyrocket fire.
Israel and Egypt maintain the Gaza blockade which includes Israel’s control over the coast and airspace of the region and restrictions on the movement of people and goods in and out of the region.
Israel said the closure was needed to prevent Hamas from arming up influence while critics said that these steps totaled collective punishment.

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