Israel said the president’s brother as a US envoy, pointing to Iran’s experience – News2IN

Israel said the president’s brother as a US envoy, pointing to Iran’s experience

Israel said the president's brother as a US envoy, pointing to Iran's experience
Written by news2in

Tel Aviv: Israel said on Friday it has appointed his president’s brother, former General Michael Herzog, as the next ambassador for the United States, highlighted his experience about Iran and its nuclear program.
Tehran is currently negotiating with Washington and the power of the world about reviving the 2015 agreement which limits the nuclear work of the Islamic Republic in return for the appointment of international sanctions.
The Government of Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett, a nationalist above the cross-partisan coalition, has warned to return to the pact, which is submitting in projects with the potential for making bombs that are considered too loose.
Israel saw Iran’s nuclear program as a direct threat, although Tehran said it was only interested in energy generation and other peace projects.
Michael Herzog, 69, served in the Israeli military for 40 years, was the chief of staff for four defense ministers and took part in many rounds of peace negotiations with Palestine, a Bennett office said.
It refers to “in-depth knowledge of the strategic problems facing Israel, especially Iran’s nuclear program”.
The appointment will soon be approved by the government, he added.
The former brother of the General, Israeli Israac President Herzog, was appointed to the ceremonial position which was mostly in July.
Former US President Donald Trump left a nuclear agreement and re-imposed harsh US sanctions – a step praised by the predecessor Bennett, Banjamin Netanyahu, and encouraged Iran to violate many trucks.
Iran and Western officials said significant gaps remained in talk talks and have not announced when negotiations, the last round ended on June 20, will continue.
Israeli and West tensions with Iran have boiled after the alleged drone attacked last week on an Israeli managed tanker from Oman coast which killed two crew members.
The United States, Israel and Britain blamed the incident in Iran.
Tehran denied responsibility, and warned it would immediately respond to the threat to his security.
Tensions have also blazed between Israel and the Iranian Iranian-supported Hezbollah movement, which fired rockets at Israeli forces on Friday, drawing Israeli fires in retallasia.

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