Israel the family level of the alleged Palestinian striker – News2IN

Israel the family level of the alleged Palestinian striker

Israel the family level of the alleged Palestinian striker
Written by news2in

Jerusalem: Israel on Thursday destroyed a family of a family of Palestinian-American men who were accused of deadly attacks on the occupied West Bank, rejecting the request from his wife who wasolated so he rarely lived at home, which he distributed with three.
The demolition pulled a reprimand from the United States, who opposed home sentence and had taken a more important line for Israeli policies in the West Bank which was occupied since President Joe Biden served this year.
“The home of the whole family should not be destroyed for the action of one individual,” said a spokesman for the US State Department.
” There is a critical need to reduce the temperature in the West Bank.
Demolition punishment worsens tensions when everyone must be focused on principle ensuring calm.
” The price said the State Secretary Antony Blinken raised the problem with the Israeli senior partner.
Israeli forces moved to the village of Turmus Ayya last night and surrounded the house.
Forces leveled a two-story house with a controlled explosion.
The sunrise while the Israeli army unit destroyed the House of American Mungasser Shalaser Palestine using a controlled explosion.
(Photo Credit: AP) Israel said Muntasser Shalaby drives May 2 – by shooting which killed Israeli students Judah Guetta and injured the other two.
He was arrested a few days after the attack.
His wife, Sanaa Shalaby, said they were alienated for several years and that he spent most of his time in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he married three other women in an unofficial Islamic ceremony.
The whole family has US citizenship.
He said he had a little contact with him in the past few years, even though he would return home every year for one or two months to visit his children.
Shalaby said he knew nothing about the attack and did not have an indication he planned anything.
“Anyone who committed a crime must be punished, but it was not a family mistake,” he told the Associated Press in an interview last month.
He appealed the demolition command with the help of the Israeli Human Rights Group, but the Israeli Supreme Court enforced it.
Last month .
The case has attracted the attention of the discipline policy Israel from the homes of the alleged attackers Palestinians.
Israeli officials said the demolition was deter future attacks, while groups of rights view it as a form of collective punishment.
in a break from his predecessors Administration Trump rarely criticized Israeli actions in the West Bank, who was arrested by Israel in the Middle East War in 1967 and was claimed by Palestine as part of the country’s future.
But the new Biden government has taken a harder attitude.
The US Embassy says all the sides must refrain from steps which damages efforts to live An back process of peace that leads to the solution of two countries.
“This certainly includes the demolition of Pal Estinian’s punishment,” he said.
Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett said, “He acted solely in accordance with the consideration of the security of Israel and to protect the life of his citizens.

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