Israeli PM aims to encourage Joe Biden away from Iran’s nuclear agreement – News2IN

Israeli PM aims to encourage Joe Biden away from Iran’s nuclear agreement

Israeli PM aims to encourage Joe Biden away from Iran's nuclear agreement
Written by news2in

Washington: Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett aims to prevent President Joe Biden from returning to Iran’s nuclear agreement when the two leaders met at the White House on Friday.
The meeting was originally scheduled for Thursday, postponed for one day when Biden focused his attention on dealing with a suicide bombing at Kabul airport which killed at least 13 US troops.
“On behalf of the Israelites, I shared deep sadness over the loss of American life in Kabul,” Bennett said in a statement posted on social media.
“Israel stands with the United States in these difficult times, just like America always stands with us.
Our thoughts and prayers with the United States.” Before arriving in Washington, Bennett explained that he would encourage Iran’s agreement, with the reason Tehran had advanced in his uranium enrichment, and sanction assistance would give Iran more resources to the enemies of Israel in the region.
Israeli leader met separately on Wednesday with the Secretary of the State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to discuss Iran and other problems.
The visit was the first for the US as Prime Minister.
Bennett told the cabinet before the journey that he would tell the American President “that now is the time to stop Iran, to stop this” and not to re-re-re-enter “nuclear agreement that has expired and irrelevant, even for that who thinks it was relevant .
“Biden has explained his desire to find a way to save the 2015 landmark pact cultivated by the government of Barack Obama but rushed in 2018 by Donald Trump’s.
But indirect US talks with Iran stopped and Washington continued to maintain crippling sanctions in the country as a boiled regional hostility.
Trump’s decision to withdraw from Iran’s nuclear agreement led Tehran to leave over time every boundary of the agreement was imposed on his nuclear enrichment.
This country now enriches a small amount of uranium up to 63 percent, short steps from the level of the weapons, compared with 3.67 percent under the agreement.
It also rotates far more advanced centrifuges and more than they are permitted by Accord, worrying about nuclear nonfloliferation experts even though Tehran stressed that the program was peaceful.
Bennett Washington’s visit came a few weeks after the Ebrahim Relision was appointed as Iran’s new president.
Relision, 60, a conservative cleric with a close relationship with the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has suggested he will be involved with the US.
But he also has hit hardline attitudes, overriding negotiations aimed at limiting the development of Iranian missiles and support for regional militias – something to be handled by Biden administration in the New Testament.
Administrative officials acknowledge that the potential “breakout” Iran – the time needed to collect adequate fissile material for one nuclear weapon – now fall into a matter of months or less.
But a senior administrative official, who spoke with anonymous requirements to preview the scheduled talks, said the government saw the maximum pressure campaign used by Trump’s administration because it had ventured Iran to push forward with its nuclear program.
Bennett also looks for a page from its predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu.
Netanyahu has a close relationship with Trump after often colliding with Obama.
Biden, who has met with every Israeli Prime Minister since Golda Meir, has his own tension with Netanyahu for years.
During his latest White House campaign, Biden called Netanyahu “counterproductive” and “extreme right” leader.

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