ISRO failed to put Gisat-1 in orbit – News2IN
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ISRO failed to put Gisat-1 in orbit

ISRO failed to put Gisat-1 in orbit
Written by news2in

Sriharikota: In setback, Mission (ISRO) Indian Research Organization (ISRO) to place a sophisticated geo imaging satellite (Gisat-1) failed at the beginning of Thursday morning.
The Geosynchronous-F10 (GSLV-F10) satellite launch vehicle took off at 5.43 in the morning according to the schedule and the burning core stage occurred as planned, pushing rockets on the intended track.
The second stage of ignition occurred as planned for about two minutes into the launch and the charge fairing was confirmed by a little mission control after almost four minutes after taking off, as planned.
And then there are some tense moments that follow as soon as the second stage is turned off.
The cryogenic stage does not turn on, giving a mission failure.
“Because of the technical anomalies in the cryogenic stage, the mission cannot be fully achieved,” said Chairman Isro Sivan addressed the team of scientists and engineers in Sriharikota after the mission.
ISRO will now form the failure analysis committee (FAC) which will analyze the reason for anomalies.
This is the effort of the three space agencies to launch satellites.
This was first scheduled for March 5, but rubbed a minute before the 26-hour countdown would begin on March 4, 2020.
While ISRO again was confident that he would launch it earlier this year (2021), the launch did not occur due to the problem of the stresses described by scientists as “problems Small power “.
Designed to provide real-time images near the “area of ​​interest in interest” at a frequent interval, the satellite will be a kind of ‘eyes in the sky’ and also holds the potential to help the country’s armed forces to plan the operation to plan operations.
The satellite is expected to improve Indian capabilities by providing real-time observations approaching sub-continent, under cloud-free conditions, at frequent intervals.
The Chair of the Isro K Sivan has told the Toi before the launch on Wednesday: “Unlike satellites in Leo (low Earth orbit) will provide sustainable views and will be very helpful in meteorological, agriculture, disaster warnings.
This satellite class is the first type In Earth Observation and we are proud.
“Weigh 2,268 kg, satellites will also provide spectral signatures for agriculture, forestry, mineralogy, disaster warnings, clouds, snow, glaciers and oceanography.
This satellite is equipped with a six-band multispectral imaging sensor that is visible & almost infrared with a resolution of 42m, hyper-spectral 158-ribbon sensor looks & almost infrared with a resolution of 318m and infrared sensor shortwave hyper-spectral 256m with a resolution of 191m with a resolution of 191m with resolution 191m with 191m resolution with 191m resolution.
, according to ISRO.

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