Italy stay now lives Gujarati dreams of traveling – News2IN

Italy stay now lives Gujarati dreams of traveling

Italy stay now lives Gujarati dreams of traveling
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: Gujarat is known as Footloose – whether it’s casual traveling or settling abroad.
Worldwide, the majority of countries have small communities but are important with their roots in the state.
Karavadra Raju case, 37, is a perfect example of the Gujju spirit that has never been resolved abroad – he has failed class X exams, do not know English well or have money to get a foothold on foreign land but abroad is his mission life Of course! But because he left home in 2009, Raju had worked in Israel, settled in Italy and so far traveled to 18 countries.
He has been married to an Italian woman and is now working in a production unit in Liguria Province in northwestern Italy.
Born in the MER community in Sodhana Village near Porbandar, Karavadra went to the nearest village to go to school.
From the family simple way, it is his dream to see the world.
“But what will I do? I don’t have money or contact.
I do everything I can – do domestic tasks, drive a vehicle or carry out duties for others.
I got a stable job as a driver in 2008 when I started saving , “Tell Raju.
“I also gave the land and at all Rs 5 Lakh.” Based on some friends’ suggestions, he targets Israel to get a work permit.
“I ran out of money after waiting for 15 days.
I have no other choice but to go forward.
I finally got a visa – and a ticket to a new life.
I live in Kibbutz and work as a guard for parents even because I have no knowledge of Hebrew .
I made some friends through who I finally met Hila, my wife, “Raju said.
Hila, now 48, is national and Italian physiotherapist by the profession.
He was visiting his relatives when the duo met.
He also has a 10-year-old girl from a previous wedding.
The couple tied the knot in Cyprus and went to Italy.
“I work and work – in India or abroad.
It not only gives me friends, but also respect.
Even in Italy, an elderly person for whom I care about giving me land to cultivate.
This is a hilly and village area that I live only Has 35 residents, “he said.
Today Raju works in a local manufacturing unit and also grows soil for fruits.
But today he is more famous for Youtube Videos Gujarati and Facebook direct sessions with more than 60,000 followers.
He gave a reflection on the place and life in general on the coast of Saurashtra Twang.
The viewers from Gujarat and elsewhere did a virtual tour with him in the countryside of Italy and Europe when he even talked about Covid conditions and job advice for aspirant immigrants.
“It is impossible without blessing from God Dwarkadheesh and my parents.
They gave me everything they had so that I could advance in life.
I always believe and live with the saying – where there is a willingness there.
I have learned functional languages ​​starting from the language Hebrew and Italy.
My wife understands my gujarati even because she can’t say it too, “Chuckles Raju.
He also lives in Porbandar for a month after the wedding.
The countries he had visited included France, Switzerland, England and Monaco, among others who were shooting complicated videos and had posted them on his yard.
He received an unrelenting response from Guaratis who was jealous of his ‘rustic life in Italy.’ “But I told them that it was all good luck, hard work and the desire to survive,” Raju said.

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