IUCN World Congress Pitches for GIB Conservation in India – News2IN

IUCN World Congress Pitches for GIB Conservation in India

IUCN World Congress Pitches for GIB Conservation in India
Written by news2in

Nagpur: International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) of the World Conservation Congress has chosen to support the movement entitled ‘Preventing the Extinction of Indian Bustars (GIBS) in India’.
Movement is a mechanism where members of the IUCN influence and guide IUCN policies and programs, which are the largest and most diverse environmental networks in the world with more than 1,500 members – including countries, government institutions, NGOs and indigenous peoples’ organizations – and more than 15,000 international experts Related to six commissions.
As the only international conservation forum that brings the government, civil society, and indigenous peoples to the same table, the Assembly of members of the IUCN carries a strong mandate.
Members choose to approve movement, and once adopted, they become resolutions and recommendations, and therefore the body of the IUCN general policy that guides conservation strategies throughout the world.
The Corbett Foundation, IUCN member, took the lead in posting this movement in May 2019 and received support from organizations such as Aarani, BNHS, Gujarat Ecology Society, Wildlife Conservation Trust (WPSI), and the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), and global agencies such as Birdlife International and the Royal Society for Bird Protection (UK).
Because of the pandemic, the resolution passed only last month.
Resolution that prevents the extinction of GIBS (Ardeotis Nigriceps) in India will help to be more intensifying and strengthening efforts to preserve and protect the last living bird population.
Registered as endangered with critically, less than 150 gibs remained in the wild today, especially in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh, while some sporadically reported in the Pakistani colisty side by side with Rajasthan and Gujarat.
In the past few decades, a sharp decline in the GIB population was mainly due to their collisions with overhead electric channels that had increased rapidly around the Habitat Badard.
In addition, hunting, grazing this uncontrollable livestock, predation by wild dogs, changing plant patterns, using indiscrimined pesticides, and meadow conversions and semi-dry areas for projects are other reasons for the decline of GIBS.
Worried about this, the Supreme Court on April 19, 2021, has asked to put the underground power channel past the identified Habitat GIB.
The court has also ordered the installation of birds-direction on the electrical channel to underground artificial.

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