J & K: The limiting commission met seven parties – News2IN

J & K: The limiting commission met seven parties

Written by news2in

Srinagar: Restrictions on Representatives of PDP, members of seven political parties met the Commission restrictions in a local hotel on the first day of a 4-day visit from the restriction commission on Tuesday.
Commission – LED by Justice (Retd) Ranjana Prakash Desai – arrived on Tuesday on a four-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir to interact with political party leaders and officials to collect “first hand” input on mega behavior exercising to engrave new constituencies in the region Union.
Some parties, including the National Conference (NC), People’s Conference (PC), Congress and CPI (M), filed separate memoranda to the visit delegation.
The Commission is scheduled to hold a meeting with regional political parties, district election officers besides other stakeholders.
Based on Article 28 of the Constitution, the parliament has imposed restrictions after each census to redreg the constituency so that the population of all constituencies will be made almost the same.
The restriction commission is required to carry out the process under the 2011 census.
Interestingly all parties submit a memorandum to commission members.
The Congress Party in a memorandum said that the Prime Minister and the Minister of Home Affairs had convinced to adopt transparent methods with direct limitation commissions from the state level to the level of constituency in meeting all parties on June 24.
“We accept this guarantee in the spirit of restoration and strengthening democratic structures in Jammu & Kashmir,” members of Congress in their memorandum stated.
Congress also emphasizes a state recovery for Jammu & Kashmir before carrying out the restriction process, according to memorandum.
Until the full state for Jammu & Kashmir as part of the Union of India was restored, there would be no meaning for the cleavage commission to do the exercises, the Congress Party.
The National Jammu and Kashmir conference in memorandum said that the party always represents the encouragement and aspirations of its people.
Democracy values ​​are very loved to us, and we feel very much that problems can only be resolved through dialogue and discussion.
Being a Torchbearer of the principles of democracy, JKNC always stands with the principles of natural inclusivity and justice.
Thus, we always use constitutional ways to solve problems by facing J & K.
As far as regarding current restriction exercises, the party has communicated with the Commission in a firm requirement.
“In our view, the reorganization law of J & K, 2019 feels unconstitutional and imposed by ignoring and violating the Mandate and Spirit of the Indian Constitution and therefore will not be followed up.
We have thrown a challenge to the constitutional validity of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019, “NC member said.
NC leaders told members of restrictions that under the constitutional scheme, the restrictions on assembly constituency fell in the power of the state of J & K and under the second provisions to the SEC 47 of the J & K constitution, the restrictions on constituencies must be made after figures.
The first census after 2026 was published.
The representation of the Jammu and Kashmir from the People’s Law, 1957 Part II deals with the Constitution of the Restriction and Procedure Commission to be attended by the Commission.
The CPI (M) also proposed a memorandum that reminded members of the commission of the constitution of the delimitation and legal challenges to the Jammu and Kashmir Act 2019, Yusuf Tarigami CPM leaders.

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