Jaipur, Alwar Among 6 Dists with 65% Covid Active Case – News2IN

Jaipur, Alwar Among 6 Dists with 65% Covid Active Case

Jaipur, Alwar Among 6 Dists with 65% Covid Active Case
Written by news2in

Jaipur: The majority of Covid cases reported from six districts – Jaipur, Jodhpur, Alwar, Udaipur, Kota and Bikaner – which collectively contributed at least 65% of active cases.
Of the 20-30 areas in Jaipur reported cases up to a few days ago, infection reports now come from 90-100 areas.
The case was reported from almost every part of the city, which has increased the number of active cases in the city significantly.
However, the number of patients who were hospitalized was quite a bit compared to people who tested positive.
At the largest largest Covid Ruhs hospital in the state, the number of patients received is 60.
of them, 20 is in the ICU.
“We have observed that the patient ratio in the ICU and in Ward has increased over the past 20 days.
Previously, Covid patients in the ICU were 5% and 95% in the ward.
Now 40% in the ICU and 60% are in the ward.
This shows that Gradual cases with increased severity, “said Dr.
Ajit Singh, Inspector, Ruhs Hospital.
In Jaipur, active cases have increased from 796 to 20,123 in two weeks, which shows a step where the virus has spread in January.
In Jodhpur too, cases have been reported from rural and urban areas.
On January 1, Jodhpur only has 126 active cases, which has now been upgraded to 4,344.
Alwar, which is close enough to Delhi, also reported a significant surge in active cases in two weeks.
Of the 43 on January 1, now it has touched 4,757.
The city and Udaipur also reported an increase in active cases in two weeks.

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