Jaipur Hospital under pressure as Dengue Case Soar – News2IN

Jaipur Hospital under pressure as Dengue Case Soar

Jaipur Hospital under pressure as Dengue Case Soar
Written by news2in

Jaipur: With more and more dengue patients who demand immediately, hospitals praise them with warning signs such as liver involvement and gallbladder which causes abdominal pain, vomiting, rash and falling blood pressure.
The department of the city hospital patients witnessed patients with dengue diseases and such as dengue fever.
Officers worried bloody fever patients and dengue fever insisted that the patient was accepted.
Because hospitals watch in a hurry, doctors give priority to those who are serious and show “warning signs.” “Every patient with a sign of a warning of dengue fever needs to be hospitalized and remains silent.
Dengue management management depends on the signs and symptoms of warnings,” said Dr.
Sudhir Bhandari, principal and controller, SMS Medical College.
Bhandari said, “In dengue fever, only thrombocytopenia is not the indicator of severity, but other warning signs must also be remembered to diagnose severe dengue fever.” In the midst of more patients who want to be accepted, SMS Medical College has divided dengue patients in three categories based on WHO guidelines.
The group of patients can be sent home because they can tolerate adequate volume of oral fluid, skip urine at least once every six hours, do not have warning signs, especially when fever subsides.
Group B patients must be referred to management in hospitals including patients with warning signs and those who have existing conditions that can make dengue fever or management more complicated, severe bleeding and severe organ disorders.
Hosptial witnessed the increasing number of patients who came with warning signs such as persistent vomiting, mucosal bleeding, ascites or pleural effusion, hammer pampai edema, hepatomegaly, lifting hematocrit, kidney function and damaged kidney profile.
Not only adults but children are also very affected because of dengue fever this year.
“We see children who are more serious about having severe bloody fever this year.
Microbiologists might talk about the reason.
We give priority to patients presented with warning signs.
Their conditions can worsen anytime if not equipped with care Right.
Children come with nose bleeding, severe pain in the stomach, vomiting and crazy liver function, “said Dr.
Ashok Gupta, Head of Department (Child medicine), JK Lon Hospital.
The hospital administration claimed that OPD and IPD registration had begun to take AdiP because the temperature had begun to fall.
“Our OPD registration rose to 1,200 every day a few days ago, but it has now dropped to 700.
Also, patients who need reception have also swimming.
Previously, we recognized more than 200 patients every day, but now it has dropped to 150,” said Dr.
Arvind Shukla, supervisor, JK Lon Hospital.
Box: Memorial Signs of Dengue Fever (Dengue Management Protocol Medical SMS) 1.
Hypochondrium Hypochondrium Softness 2.
Vomiting Kias 3.
Mucitis Bleeding or Pleural Effusion 5.
Peri Bile Edema 6.
Lifting Hematocrit 8.
Doused liver and kidney function 9 .
Damaged Coagulation Profile

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