Jaipur: NWR employees protest privatization – News2IN

Jaipur: NWR employees protest privatization

Jaipur: NWR employees protest privatization
Written by news2in

Jaipur: The Union of the North Western Railway (NWR) employee protested on Wednesday against the privatization of the train announced by the recent center.
Employees held protests simultaneously at 80 stations under the NWR.
Mukesh Chaturvedi, President, Union, NWR, said, “About 400 stations will be sold on PPP models where there are provisions to sell 40 stations on 2021-22, 120 stations on 2023-24 and 120 stations on 2024-25 by the government.
is to sell 90 trains to private parties where the plan is to sell 30 trains in 2023, 30 in 2024, and 30 trains in 2025.
Line four to 1,400 km is also targeted to be submitted to private investors in 2023.
has set a target to submit more than 265 items to private investors.
While they plan to get thousands of crores, there is no benefit for employees and in fact our work security is also threatened.

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