Jaipur Police Are Not Pink Health – News2IN

Jaipur Police Are Not Pink Health

Jaipur Police Are Not Pink Health
Written by news2in

Jaipur: The analysis of police health carried out by city police has found that some members suffer from hypertension, blood pressure, and weight problems.
Jaipur police inspected around 10,000 of them including 2,260 found suffering from hypertension.
Among them, 71 police have been categorized under the category of “crisis” hypertension.
The report states that the heads and assistant sub-inspectors suffer more than severe hypertension levels.
Jaipur police officials said that for the past few months they have held health camps in various police stations to understand the health-related problems of the police posted in different Thanas.
“The mandate of the police duty in such a way that stress and prolonged work hours began to take victims on the health of the staff.
This health related report provides early signs of disease and helps provide timely care,” said an official.
This report also shows a high level of blood sugar between continuously for inspectors.
More than 500 police were diagnosed with blood sugar that drove above 160.
BMI (body mass index) further referred to conditions where city police must operate.
BMI Health Card found 3,380 police to additional SP (ASP) ranked as overweight.
There were 209 police who were obese category 1 because their BMI scores between 31 and 35, the same, nine police scored above 36 on the BMI index and therefore considered obese category 2.
According to the report, hypertension is comparable to BMI, and the Asis and Circle Inspector (CI) is at a higher risk of hypertension.
A inspector posted in a police station in the city said that pressure and diseases related to lifestyle cannot be avoided for the police.

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