Jammu and Kashmir saw a 32% decline in terrorist incidents until July 30 – News2IN

Jammu and Kashmir saw a 32% decline in terrorist incidents until July 30

Jammu and Kashmir saw a 32% decline in terrorist incidents until July 30
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The terrorist incident at J & K witnessed a decline of 32% until July 30 this year compared to the same period in 2020, the home ministry told Rajya Sabha on Wednesday.
Replying to a question that was not released, the Minister of State for the house of Nityanan and Rai said that the decrease in terrorist incidents was higher at 59% by 2020 compared to 2019.
Rai told the members that shops and companies, education and education of health institutions, etc.
It functions normally in the Union J & K.
However, in return for a different question about when the J & K status will be restored, Rai states that it will be given at the right time after a normal refund.
Stated that the government had adopted zero policy tolerance to terrorism and took various steps such as strengthening security forces, strict law enforcement of anti-national elements, intensive cordon and search operations to effectively face the challenges caused by the organization’s terrorist organizations caused by the organization terrorist.
, The minister said security forces keep a close watch to people who tried to provide support to terrorists and also start actions against them.
“The government has also continued to encourage policies to mainstream young people, including providing employment opportunities to wean them away from militancy,” the Ministry of Home Ministry added that the strength of the power was deployed in Jammu and Kashmir to increase counter-rebellion networks, reinforcement.
Internal security and maintaining law and order.
Replying to another question that tried to know the status of Pandit Kashmir rehabilitation that was revoked from the valley due to militancy, the Ministry of Rumah claimed that Kashmir Pandits felt safer in the past.
This, he said, was proven from the fact that 3841 youth Migrant Kashmir had moved back to Kashmir and took a job in various districts under the Prime Minister’s rehabilitation package.
The other 1997 candidate was chosen for the work under the same package in April 2021 and will soon move to Kashmir.
“It is also important to say that as many as 26,684 youth Migrant Kashmir showed interest in returning to the valley by applying the 1997 post called above, advertised by the Jammu and Kashmir recruitment boards in December 2020,” Mos (home) Rai said.
He added that the government had prepared a comprehensive policy to provide housing accommodation to Kashmir migrants who returned to Kashmir.
About 6000 housing units are being built for them at accelerated speeds.
Already, 1000 housing units are used by this employee, he said.

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