Japan, USA, South Korea urged North Korea to return to weapons talks – News2IN

Japan, USA, South Korea urged North Korea to return to weapons talks

Japan, USA, South Korea urged North Korea to return to weapons talks
Written by news2in

Tokyo: Senior Diplomats from Japan, the United States and South Korea urged North Korea on Tuesday to return to talk about the development of missiles and nuclear, the day after it announced it successfully testing new roaming missiles, showing its military progress.
The three-way meeting in Tokyo was attended by US special representatives for North Korea’s policy of Sung Kim, South Korean representative for the affairs of Korea’s peace and security of Noh Kyu-duk and Japanese Director General of Asia and Ocean Agranic Funakoshi.
Kim Messenger As said the three countries were open to diplomacy with North Korea “to make real progress that improve the security of the United States and our allies.” He urged North Korea to “respond positively some of our offers to meet without prerequisites.” Washington and its allies will continue to work to fully implement all security council resolutions u.n.
In overcoming the development of North Korean missiles, he added.
All three agreed on the timeliness of their meeting Tuesday.
“Our trilateral collaboration is very important for complete denuclirization and permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula,” Noh said.
On Monday, the State-managed Korean Central News Agency reported that new missile tests showed that they could reach a target of 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) away.
North Korea praised the missile as “a very important strategic weapon,” suggested that they be developed with the intention of arming them with nuclear warheads.
North Korea said necessary nuclear weapons to prevent what he said hostility from Washington and Seoul.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will arrive in Seoul on Tuesday for talks with South Korean officials about bilateral relations and freezing in nuclear diplomacy with North Korea.
Wang is scheduled to meet with South Korean Foreign Minister Chung Eui-Yong on Wednesday.
Chung is expected to find a more active role from Beijing, the main allies of North Korea and economic life, in the North Persuade to return to the negotiation table.
Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said before the trilateral meeting that it was “a good opportunity to reconfirm the close collaboration between the three countries and discuss the latest North Korean situation.” Japanese officials and some experts said the North Korean weekend missile test was a “new threat” to the region.
Japan and South Korea are the main US allies in the Asia-Pacific region.

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