Jharkhand to provide free tap water connections to all urban households – News2IN

Jharkhand to provide free tap water connections to all urban households

Written by news2in

Ranchi: To provide drinking water for each household in urban areas, the state government will provide free water connections to all households as part of an increase in the Urban Jharkhand water supply project.
In addition to providing free water connections to urban households, the state government has also announced that there will be no accusations for consumers below the poverty line.
The water supply program has begun as part of the 2020 water policy that came into force from January 2021.
In accordance with policy provisions, each consumer from any income group will not be charged for water connections in urban areas.
Speaking with Toi, Secretary of Urban Development Country Vinay Kumar Chaubey said: “The state government is committed to providing clean drinking water for each household under all the city’s city limits.
Clean drinking water is a basic need and that is why we decided to provide water connections Free to all households.
To ensure that even the lowest income group benefits from this scheme, the government has decided to release all charges for consumers under the poverty line in urban areas.
“Under the scheme, the urban development department plans to provide more than two Lakh connection in state capital and has begun gradually.
“Like the 2011 census, a total of 2.07 lakh households have been identified who will benefit in the scheme.
Of the total 2.07 lakh households, more than 1.87 lakh are registered as holding but we will provide connections to all households 2 , 07 lakh, “Choubey said.
Urban local bodies have begun working to provide more than 1 lakh connection in the first phase.
The second phase aims to provide connections to 38,000 households and the rest will be included in the third phase.
Safe Kumar, a resident of Balmiki Nagar region that benefited under the project, said: “We used to pay bills without getting regular supplies, but now we are connected through fresh lines under the project.
We get clean water regularly.”

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