JMM gets Rs 6.4 Crore in the Donation, BJP gets less than 0.1% of Jharkhand – News2IN

JMM gets Rs 6.4 Crore in the Donation, BJP gets less than 0.1% of Jharkhand

Written by news2in

Ranchi: BJP is the richest political party in the country in terms of donations received in the 2019-20 financial year, but in Jharkhand, the Safron party far behind the ruling tribal party, JMM, because he only received Rs 55.9 lakh here.
JMM, who received Rs 6.44 Crore, has expressed doubts about the number of BJP.
Nationally, BJP received 785.77 Crore from 5,576 donations, where 22 donations came from Jharkhand and translated to only Rs 55.9 lakh or 0.1%, in accordance with the details submitted by political parties (EC).
At the top of the list for Jharkhand is JMM, which receives Rs 6.44 Crore in donations.
Among the donors to BJP from Jharkhand, the Rajya Party Sabha MP Mahesh Poddar made the biggest contribution of Rs 30.60 lakh from a total of Rs 55.9 Lakh.
Poddar contributed the number in five donations.
BJP also received three other donations, all under RS ​​30,000, from one Mahesh Kumar whose Pan number was not included in the declaration made for EC.
JMM, which has detailed donations on September 15 this year, revealed funds worth 6.44.23,500 of 15 donations.
The biggest part of the total – RS 6 Crore – comes from six guardianship or company and the remaining amount comes from personal individuals, the number of pan has not been stated.
Commenting on Donations, Treasurer of BJP Deepak Deepak, who is also a rental accountant, said his party must have followed land laws while receiving the amount.
He said, “I joined the party last year and because his contribution was the 2019-20 financial year, it would be difficult for me to comment on why no donor pots were not given.” JMM Secretary General Supriyo Bhattacharya, who has submitted Details of Donations to EC, also acknowledged that the number of PAN should be given.
“Most of our donations come through checks.
Therefore, I don’t think there is a problem in the donor to give their pot number,” he said.
However, Bhattacharya expressed survivors of the numbers stated by BJP.
“They collected a donation at least ten times more than our party, so the figure revealed by them was not close to the truth,” he said.
Meanwhile, the organizers of the Association for Democratic Reform (ADR), Sudhir Pal, said that with legal provisions, political parties were mandated to reveal the contribution that exceeded Rs 20,000.
The large number they received was adjusted by dividing it into a smaller denomination contribution, he was claimed.
“All donations must be disclosed and put in the public domain so that there is financial transparency,” he said, adding that PAN disclosure is also important so that CBDT and can track individuals or donor companies.
While Ajsu-P has not provided their donation furnishings, other countries recognized – Jharkhand Vikas Morcha Prevaja – gets Rs 23.08 lakh through 22 donations and no number of donor pan expressed.
One Babua Singh is the biggest donor with 7 lakh RS cash.
Congress, despite being the second richest party in this country, with RS 139 Crore from 350 donations nationally, did not open his account at Jharkhand.
Apart from BJP, the only national party to receive donations from Jharkhand is the CPI that gets Rs 17,000.
In particular, political parties depend on donations to hold elections and carry out their daily affairs.
They receive a large amount of money in the form of contributions / contributions from companies or home businesses, trust and individuals.
Under Section 298 of the representation of the People’s Law, 1951, all political parties have the right to accept contributions and contributions from private individuals or Indian non-government companies.
In addition, part of the 29C of the same action mandates that political parties must submit the details of their contributions more than RS 20,000 received from any person or company to EC every year, to enjoy 100% tax exemption.

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