Joe Biden transferred Guantanamo prisoners to the country of origin – News2IN

Joe Biden transferred Guantanamo prisoners to the country of origin

Joe Biden transferred Guantanamo prisoners to the country of origin
Written by news2in

Washington: Biden government on Monday moved prisoners from Guantanamo Gulf Detention Facilities for the first time, sent a Moroccan man back home for years after he was advised to come out.
Moroccan prisoners, Abdullatif Nasser, who were in the middle of the 50s, were cleaned because of repatriation by reviewers in July 2016 but remained at Guantanamo during the President of Trump.
The periodical review board process determines that Nasser’s detention is no longer needed to protect US national security, the word Pentagon on Monday in a statement.
The council recommends authorization for Nasser’s repatriation, but it cannot be completed before the end of the Obama administration, he said.
Nasser transfers can advise President Joe Biden is to make an effort to reduce the Guantanamo population, which is now standing in 39.
President George W Bush and Barack Obama support the detention process, but stopped under President Donald Trump.
Trump said even before he served that there should be no further release of “Gitmo,” as often called Guantanamo Bay.
“These are very dangerous people and should not be allowed to return to the battlefield,” he said.
The possibility that the former Guantanamo prisoner will continue hostile activities have long been a concern that has been played in the release debate.
The Office of Director of National Intelligence said in the 2016 report that around 17% of the 728 prisoners who had been released were “confirmed” and 12% “suspected” involved in the activity.
But most of the involvement occurred with a former prisoner who was not through a security review set below Obama.
The task force that includes agents such as the Department of Defense and the CIA analyzes who is held at Guantanamo and decides who can be released and who must continue.
The US thanked Morocco to facilitate Nasser’s transfer back home.
“The United States praised the Kingdom of Morocco for his long partnership in securing the national security interests of the two countries,” said the Pentagon statement.
“The United States is also very grateful for the willingness of the kingdom to support the ongoing US efforts to close Guantanamo bay detention facilities.” Nasser initially got news he would be released in the summer of 2016, when one of his lawyers called him in the detention center and told him that the US had decided that he no longer threatened and could go home.
He thought he immediately returned to Morocco: “I’ve been here 14 years,” he said at that time.
“There are no more months.” Nasser’s journey to Cuban prison is a long one.
He was a member of the Moroccan Sufi Islamic group who did not switch but illegal in the 1980s, according to his Pentagon file.
In 1996, he was recruited to fight in Chechyna but ended in Afghanistan, where he was trained in the Al-Qaeda camp.
He was arrested after fighting US forces there and sent to Guantanamo in May 2002.
A unknown military official was appointed to represent him before the reviewer said he studied mathematics, computer science and English at Guantanamo, created an Arabic-English dictionary of 2,000 words.
The official told the council that Nasser “deeply regretted his actions from the past” and expressed confidence that he would integradize in society.

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