Juhi Chawla at 5G cases became publicity – News2IN

Juhi Chawla at 5G cases became publicity

Juhi Chawla at 5G cases became publicity
Written by news2in

Juhi Chawla’s actress and environment have fired the claim that the lawsuit recently challenged the launch of 5G wireless network technology was only “publicity action.”

Taking to the official Instagram handle, the actress released a 14-minute long video from her who knocked down the silence of allegations and presented data and records of studies carried out on the effects of 5G in birds, human health and the environment in general.
“It’s time,” he brought the position and proceeded to dig haters, said, “I will let you decide whether it is publicity.”

Emphasizing the fact that he did not oppose technological progress but he wanted the authorities to declare it safely, he presented data to support his argument.
“All of this while I remained silent because I believed in silence had a deafening voice, but now I want to bring up very important and surprising details about the incident, on the 11-year way to find EMF radiation, his health effects and striking ignorance of certain authorities in terms of certain authorities This.
I hope you can take the time to watch this video, “Juhi said in a statement.
Overcoming the case and a good one slapped him, he shared, “Whatever happened in June, made me feel hurt and confused.
On the one hand, I received a few presses and poor publicity, on the other hand, I received a very unknown message since That’s them really and fully supportive.
One of these messages comes from a group of farmers in Maharashtra carrying tears to the eyes, they want to do a voluntary drive to collect a small amount of money from each of their 10,000 farmers communities to help me pay a penalty The big, I have fined.

Delhi HC in June, stopped Chawla’s lawsuit against the implementation of 5G technology.
In its order, the court said that the Plaintiff had harassed the legal process and imposed a fine of Rs 20 Lakh.
Read also with Chawla at 5G PLI she was rejected by HC: Everything we asked for was clarity
“This seems to be a publicity action.
Why don’t you approach the government before coming to us? Does the government refuse to act on this problem? How does the government deny you right?” The court has observed during hearing.
“I have lent a lot of health problems, many simple people in my country.
When storms die, and I can see more clearly, I become calm and strong because I realize how important, on time, relevant and impact.
The question I have had Lift.
If not, does the world erupt like that? “He asked.
Read Alsodelhi High Court rejected the juhi chawla case against the 5G launch; forcing Rs 20 lakh well
In his petition, Chawla claims that the 5G launch in India will endanger the health of the public, as the radiation emitted will be “very dangerous and detrimental to the health and safety of the people”.
The Delhi High Court in July provides a week to the actress and the other two to deposit RS 20 Lakh in the fees imposed on them for misusing the legal process.
Also read ‘Gathering’: Delhi HC gives Juhi Chawla a week more to deposit RS 20 Lakh well
The court reaction came after Chawla adviser, senior advocate met Malhotra, after attracting the application to neglect, saying that costs will be stored in a week or ten days, or legal treatment for the same thing will be taken.
“On the one hand you move the reckless application and on the other hand, you draw the application and the Plaintiff doesn’t even deposit a fee,” said the court.

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