Jungle Raj at J & K Ended in Eve 2020: Manoj Sinha – News2IN

Jungle Raj at J & K Ended in Eve 2020: Manoj Sinha

Jungle Raj at J & K Ended in Eve 2020: Manoj Sinha
Written by news2in

SRINAGAR: “Jungle Raj” in Jammu and Kashmir ended at the “Eve of 2020” and the grassroots level democracy was strengthened in the Union region by selecting the Violent Regional Development Council (DDC), Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said Sunday.
Referring to the central decision to revoke the special status of the country of Estmana, Sinha said in 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has marked the beginning of the new era for Jammu and Kashmir.
“Grassracy democracy has been strengthened, fulfilling the expectations and aspirations of citizens together.
With the spirit of Kashmiriyat, namely taking all religions and trust in the construction of Odyssey, we reached a new milestone,” Sinha said in his independence day speech.
At the Cricket Sher-e-Kashmir Stadium here.
He said the ‘principle of Vajpayee from Jamooriyat’ was not permitted to develop on the ground for decades in Jammu and Kashmir and there was a famous “democratic tradition”.
” Mla’s nomination of four or five regions was held at his home.
So, on the one hand, there are selected representatives from the people and on the other hand, representatives of Sahib collectors, “he said.
Sinha said in 2019, the Prime Minister marked the beginning of the new era for Jammu and Kashmir.” But, the 2020 night ended the ‘Jungle Raj’ and All Jammu and Kashmir participated in a fair, transparent and violent free DDC selection, “he said.
The center on August 5, 2019, ended JK ‘.
Special status in Article 370 and divides the country to the union area.
Describing terrorism as a curse for Peace and development, Sinha said the neighboring state had made an evil effort to trigger the young man, but the appropriate reply would be given to those who.
Misleading children through the proxy war.
“We want to convince all citizens that anyone tries to mislead people.
Young through proxy war, will be given appropriate reply.
Neighboring countries, who do not care about their own people, have made evil efforts to trigger some of our young men, “he said.
LG calls” perverted young people “such as terrorism is a curse for peace and development.” With me misleading from the path of peace and progress, the power of the initials de.
Nying you are a peaceful life and dignity on this godly land, “he said.” With unparalleled abilities, energy, and patience, Jammu and Kashmir will have a prosperous future, “Sinha added.
LG gave tribute to the brave army of troops, troops Paramiliters and Jammu Police and Kashmir “who have maintained unity, Indian integrity is intact with their extraordinary courage, courage, and sacrifice.
“I am proud that the police Jammu and Kashmir have received a 257 gallantry award including Ashok Chakra, Kirti Chakra and Shakra Shakra at night of independence.” I saluted all the hands of the police Jammu and Kashmir.
I also saluted to the brave family members who sacrificed their lives while maintaining the country’s sovereignty and integrity, “he said.
Sinha announced that the government has decided that the government has decided that various places.
And institutions will be baptized in memory of freedom fighters, brave warriors and personality From various fields that have made invaluable contributions in the progress of Jammu and Kashmir.
“This will inspire future generations to become their decent successor.
I am sure that the stories of those who have made sacrifices for this freedom Elixir will wake up the new Jammir and Kashmir, “he said.
Memories of Maqbool Sherwani, Brigadier Rajendra Singh, Deputy Ayub Pandit, Inspector Arshad Khan, Sub Inspector Altaf.
Ahmed , Mali Begum, Ghulam Mohammad Sadiq, Lassa Kaul, Kanta Vizier and Sarvanand Premium Premium, Dinanath Adim, Constable Yasin Rope, Lt Umar Fayaz, Mohamm Ad Deen Jagir, Punjab Singh, Padma Sachdev, Mahmuda Shah, Deputy SP Safe Thakur, Deputy SP Manjit Singh and all these people will be revived in the coming days, he said.
Sinha said it was the administration goal to make Jammu and Kashmir identical to success.
“The next 25 years Jammuwan and Kashmir are waiting for us with a new hope of hope and a new resolution for the time new front, “he said.
LG said independence day-2021 specifically for Jammu and Kashmir and the whole country because of celebrations, determination, energy and The current generation of enthusiasm will now form a tough base for the celebration of the Centenary Independence in 2047.
“In our ancient tradition,” the 75th year is considered as a trendsetter time.
This is a new determination day.
We must reflect on what we have achieved in the past and what we have to take Jammu and Kashmir in the next 25 years, “he said.

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