Kabir Bedi needs for vaccine equity – News2IN

Kabir Bedi needs for vaccine equity

Kabir Bedi needs for vaccine equity
Written by news2in

Four years ago, when Kabir Bedi was signed as a brand ambassador for Sightsavers, an international non-governmental organization that worked to treat and prevent blindness to be avoided and promoting equality for people with visual impairment, at least he knew that in 2021, he was Will try to promote vaccine equity, along with other core initiatives.
But then no one from us can imagine the world like now – brought to his knee with an invisible virus.
In such helpless times, the vaccine appears as a ray of hope.
However, while the government does its best to facilitate vaccination for every citizen, disturbed individuals still have to deal with many problems in getting vaccination.
For this reason NGOs tried to spread the eCuitas vaccine message, a campaign that the term kabir became ‘very important’ in exclusive chat with etimes.
“We live at a pandemic; we have all been very affected by it.
We all have a sense of losing now – people lose their loved ones, work, office space – things we usually do.
The only way out is for all of us For vaccinated.
There are 26 million disabled people in India, and unless they are vaccinated, it will be a tragedy.
But there are so many who have difficulty getting to the vaccination center.
So, our appeal to people is looking at people -People who are unable to vaccinate themselves and to take them there, “urge the actor.
Watch complete interviews here:
Emphasizing good needs, Kabir admitted that people had indeed increased on that occasion.
“It’s almost like the struggle for Indian independence.
But in this collective affection that we have, we should not leave disabled people,” he reiterated again.
Ask him what he thought about the way the country had dealt with a pandemic, and he observed, “As a nation, we have done very well as far as vaccination drive.
There is still a lot to do.
This is one time we can be a role model and inspire others “.
Assessing the situation so far, he added, “I think we handle the first wave of Coronavirus outbreaks quite well.
However, we all get satisfied and that’s when the second wave crashes us.
It is whammy double – not only we now handle viruses that are mutated and Turning off, our known defense that is known to him no longer applies.
But since then, everyone has woken up and even the government kicks to the equipment.
To vaccinate 55 very large crore people – this is more than an American population.
Let’s give credit where credit is due and assign mistakes where it is due “.
Read Alsomore from 100 visual disabled people who were vaccinated in special inoculation drives in Kolkata
As a farewell thinking, the actor further states, “I am an optimistic and likes to believe that even if there is a third wave, it won’t be as bad as the second wave”.

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