Kabul fell to the Taliban: Biden, Trump Trade was blamed in the middle-American Leader – News2IN
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Kabul fell to the Taliban: Biden, Trump Trade was blamed in the middle-American Leader

Kabul fell to the Taliban: Biden, Trump Trade was blamed in the middle-American Leader
Written by news2in

Washington: The leaders and strategists of America raged with each other in the game blaming bitterly during the weekend because of the US global reputation, Geo-political equity rose burning after the fall of Kabul to the Taliban.
In the scene that stirred out of the embarrassing US from Saigon in 1975, American officials and burned secret documents at the US Embassy in Kabul before they were bundled into the Chinook military helicopter for evacuation, even when Taliban fighters moved to the capital of Afghanistan and The country’s president Ashraf Ghani fled after the Biden government pulled the plug in his fragile government.
Teliri, anger, and shame flowing through US political discourse as President Joe Biden blamed his predecessor Donald Trump for failure, and Trump, in turn, smothered Biden and Democrats for what the US experts said was one of the biggest US intelligence failures ever existed .
Read President Alapafhanistan Ashraf Ghani fled, the Taliban would declare the Islamic Emiratekabul to fall into the Taliban in a fast and seemed to be bloody on Sunday when President Ashraf Ghani flew to Tajikistan, leaving a small group of political representatives to resolve Afghan’s last border surrender.
To advanced troops who have arrested most of the Theamerican military planners have been suspected that Kabul will fall in a few months, if not weeks.
But it turned out to only take days and hours for the Capital of Afghanistan fell before the Taliban lightning advanced when they converged in Kabul from all over the country.
Biden himself said on July 8 that there will be “There is no situation where you see people appointed from the roof of the United States Embassy from Afghanistan …
the Taliban defeats everything and has a whole country very impossible.” However, that is precisely what happens only 24 hours after US intelligence officials suggest Kabul will be able to hold the Taliban Advance for 30 to 90 days.
The performance of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani rose as Biden told Saturday that Onus was in the Afghan government and his military to stem the Taliban face and US officials showed the president who ordered around 5,000 US troops to Kabul was to help evacuate US government personnel, citizens, and allies The US, not to help Afghan forces against the advanced Taliban.
“When I came to the office, I inherited the agreement cut by my predecessor – which he invited the Taliban to discuss the Camp David on the 9/11 night of 2019 – who left the Taliban in the military strongest position since 2001 and imposed A May 1, 2021 deadlines in US forces.
Shortly before he left the office, he also draw US troops down to a minimum of 2,500.
Therefore, when I became president, I faced the choice to deal with the agreement, with a brief extension.
To get our troops and our allies force safely, or increase our presence and send more American troops to fight once more in the civil conflict of other countries, “said Biden in a statement on Saturday, implicitly blamed Trump for disaster, while explaining it” one more year, or Five more years, the presence of the US military, will not make a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold his own country.
” “I am the fourth president to lead the presence of American forces in Afghanistan-two Republicans, two Democrats.
I will not, and will not, continue this war to one fifth,” he added.
Trump and his allies laughed at failure to denounce Biden as weak and hesitant, especially after the US president ordered American forces back to Kabul after pulling them for days before even before US officials were evacuated.
Smart analyst see democratic administration and the republic is responsible for its asgins of America.
“President Biden assumed the responsibility to make this decision, but there was no question of President Trump, his government, POMPEO secretary, they also suffered a very significant responsibility for this.
They walked down the road legitimizing the Taliban,” said Liz Cheney, a member of parliament Republican, and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney.
Some commentators distributed the error also for President Obama and Bush, lamenting that the US should come out of Afghanistan immediately after which killed Osama bin Laden and should never enter the nation’s development business.

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