Kabul sent command as a Taliban surrounding the city of Afghanistan – News2IN

Kabul sent command as a Taliban surrounding the city of Afghanistan

Kabul sent command as a Taliban surrounding the city of Afghanistan
Written by news2in

Herat: Smoke feathers billow in the provincial Afghan capital on Thursday because the battle is raged between the Taliban and government forces for the second day in a row.
The government flew hundreds of command to Qala-I-NAW, in the Northwest Badghis Province, the first provincial capital to face an all-out attack by the Taliban since the United States increased the withdrawal of its troops.
With US islands “90 percent finished”, according to the Pentagon, the rebels have launched a blistering campaign to capture new areas, and fear increases that Afghan forces will be stretched without vital American air support.
The video obtained by AFP shows thick smoke billowing the city, and gunfire can be heard.
Badghis Health Officer Abdul Latif Rostaee said at least 10 civilians had been taken to the hospital since the battle erupted.
“The Taliban has continued their attack from several directions with light and heavy weapons,” said Governor Badghis Hessamuddin Shams to AFP on Thursday.
“Our security forces bravely against them and the enemy was pushed back.
They fled.
We will give a hard blow to the enemy.” On Wednesday, the Taliban briefly seized the police headquarters and the local office from the country’s spy agent but then pushed back.
However, Resident Qala-i-Naw, Aziz Tawakoli said Taliban fighters were still roaming in the city.
“You can see them up and walk along the road in their motorbike,” he said.
Tawakoli said many of the 75,000 city people had left their home both to the nearest district or to the neighboring province of Herat.
“The shops are closed and almost no one is on the streets,” he said, adding that the helicopter and aircraft had bombed the Taliban target all night.
Badghis Provincial Board member Zia Gul Habibi said the Taliban had the victim, but also surrounded the city.
“All districts are under their control.
People are really scared,” he said.
“All shops and government institutions are closed.
There are still reports of sporadic fighting.” Parisila Herawai, an activist of rights in the city, expressed concern for women’s safety in particular.
“This is an emergency situation for all women, especially activists,” he told AFP.
“If the Taliban plans to stay in the city, we will not be able to work.” As news of the attack on Wednesday, social media was flooded with a video of clashes with several showed armed Taliban fighters on motorbikes entering the city, as spectators cheering.
Local officials said several security officers surrendered to the Taliban, and the rebels opened the city prison gate, freed hundreds of detainees.
Most since being arrested again, officials said.
Overnight, the Ministry of Defense flowed hundreds of command into the city to launch the “large-scale operation”, Fawad’s spokesman said safely on Twitter.
The attack on Qala-i-Naw came when the Taliban carried out a blister campaign throughout the country but most in the north, caught dozens of districts since early May.
The battle seemed to spread in Herat, where officials admitted losing two districts to the rebels.
Human Rights Human Group Watch said the rebels forced people from their homes in the northern regions they had arrested.
“The Taliban retaliation against civilians who are considered to support the government are unpleasant warnings about the risk of atrocities in the future,” said Associate Director HRW Patricia Gossman.
“Taliban leadership has the power to stop this violation with their strength but has not shown that they are willing to do so,” he said.

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