KAMLA MILLS FIRE: The recovered engineer suspended – News2IN

KAMLA MILLS FIRE: The recovered engineer suspended

KAMLA MILLS FIRE: The recovered engineer suspended
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Two BMC engineers who must be fired after being found guilty in an investigation into Fire Kamla Mills will be suspended for the second time.
Two – MG Shelar and Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer Dharmaraj Shinde – who had been suspended earlier, restored last year, quoted the ‘short of staff in the middle of a pandemic’.
Now the Commissioner of the city of Iqbal Chahal has ordered that both of them be suspended.
Also, the third, dinesh mahane sub-engineers, will be suspended.
While both were ordered to be excluded from city services, Mahale which was found guilty and punished by severe pay reduction.
The three were suspended a day after a large fire broke out in December 2017 killed 14 people.
The request report at that time the Superior Commissioner Vijay Singhal had stated that there was serious negligence and the late in the official.
Toi has reported in April this year that both of which will be fired have been restored into service.
“Now, the city commissioner has sent a proposal to suspend them again,” said communication from the city engineer Parag Raut, in return to the Samajwadi Corporatorrais Shaikh Party, also a MLA.
The suspension of an employee will mean that the person concerned is not permitted to report to work until the shortcomings are complete.
However, employees continue to receive at least 70% of regular salaries and other benefits.
“Both Engineers [Shelar and Shinde] were ordered to be excluded from city services at that time the head of BMC Ajoy Mehta.
Those who were charged with negligence and dereltonya tasks that caused death of 14 people should not be restored at any cost Only suspended for the second time, “Shaikh said.
“I will file a complaint with Lokayukta against the city engineer for failing to act on the behest of BMC’s head for a long time,” According to the BMC record, the Commissioner of Praveen Pardeshi in April last year, issued an order to restore all engineers who were in suspension.
Pardeshi has asked BMC to restore all engineers under suspension because BMC “faces workforce shortages” during a pandemic.
These engineers will be assigned to the Covid task and their suspension is taken back for a while.

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